CSR is huge now but.......

I have come here to gain knowledge and in return share what I have learned. It really boils down to what my mother use to tell me when she was alive, "if you have nothing good to say, don't say it". Sometimes you cans see people trying to joke with one another, sometimes you can see where people have taken what has been said too seriously.

Now to take this discussion and have everyone laugh at me. Last year I went with a friend who has a smaller boat. It has been 30 years since I have had an outboard on a boat. We went to gas up and since this was the first time on his boat, after the gas attendant took the hose, my buddy went to start the motor. So I yell, "Hey turn on the blowers first" . My buddy looked at the gas attendant, he look back at my buddy, then looked at me, then put his lips together and started blowing air at the engine.
Does she know how to play the banjo?
I didn't know wife/sister meant the same person.

In West Virgina it does...:grin:
I've been on for two years now and quite frankly found this past winters banter less colorful than last years. I do take exception to folks who lead with a fist when they enter a rebutal but hey we all have our hang ups.

As for WV folks, my friend just moved there and was able to obtain the governor’s signature making his wife his sister. I believe this is required with new transplant to the state.
On a lighter note, I am dyslexic and was wondering how wife/sister was pertinent to VolksWagens?
Love irreverence....please continue!

The issue is not to take yourself too seriously. So,if i do something to my boat and you don't like it...that's cool with me. To each their own...just don't ask to hang out on my boat.

Thus is a forum...ask questions. If you happen to ask a dumb one and you get 5 pages of "hey are you dumb?" replies, then soak up the info, have a drink and thank your lucky stars there areeople,out there who can answer your question.

AND it's free! Way cool...
Thus is a forum...ask questions. If you happen to ask a dumb one and you get 5 pages of "hey are you dumb?" replies, then soak up the info, have a drink and thank your lucky stars there areeople,out there who can answer your question.

AND it's free! Way cool...

That it is!


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