Presidential Candidates

He does. And the majority here believe in his message. Look at posts 1, 2 and 3. There is 121 feet of boat between them. Last time I checked, you couldn't buy fuel with food stamps.

The unfortunate reality is that she will stir her base; the 48% and rising welfare-ites.

If she wins, and all stats are pointing to that end, it could very well be the end of the Republic as we know it. The problem is that bad

Trump cannot correct this in 8 years. Nobody could. It took 50 years to get here. He could, with the proper team, and the proper follow on president start to turn the ship.

It will be an interesting and very dirty battle.
A couple years ago while I was visiting my son a sparkplug blew out of my trucks engine. There I was 250 miles from home making calls trying to find a garage that would get me luck. My son said I know a guy and gave him a call. It was winter time, pretty cold but the guy came and fixed the truck right in the driveway on a Saturday morning. I say come in the house and warm up, come have a cup of coffee and warm up...he'd say I'm OK and keep working. 4 hrs of freezing his ass off plus he had to buy a helicoil and tap, he wanted 100 bucks, I gave him 200.

I'd hate to see Jesus(hey-sus) and his tote full of tools get shipped back to Mexico.
There are a lot of people in America that have opinions that parallel those of Donald Trump's ... that does not neccessirily make them ideal Presidential material. He has clearly demonstarted that he is proficient at becoming a multi-billionaire, but can he surround himself with enough intelligent "yes men" to run the country successfully without self-imploding? Because of his lack of political experience on the world stage, I have to give him a thumbs down at this point in time. :smt018
Why does everyone think the Mexicans are the problem? Maybe in TX or CA but most problem immigrants are Salvadorian or from other Latin countries. Pretty much anyplace where there is ongoing conflict and gang activity.

They don't report most of their crimes such as rape and armed robbery since it's not PC to portray peace loving rapists in that manner. I employ 3 legal Salvadorian men and 2 Peruvian men. They all have a deeper hatred for illegal immigrants than do most Americans.

They worked hard for years to get citizenship and are more patriotic than most natural born Americans.

But you would never hear their story on the news.
There are a lot of people in America that have opinions that parallel those of Donald Trump's ... that does not neccessirily make them ideal Presidential material. He has clearly demonstarted that he is proficient at becoming a multi-billionaire, but can he surround himself with enough intelligent "yes men" to run the country successfully without self-imploding? Because of his lack of political experience on the world stage, I have to give him a thumbs down at this point in time. :smt018

So you give Hillary a thumbs up? Do you vote in us and Canadian elections? I think if you vote Hillary they will give you voting rights here.
I must say I'm not really a fan of Trump, but the only alternative is Clinton and I don't consider her a suitable alternative.

If Trump is smart enough to surround himself with people who have the knowledge and experience to deal on the world stage I think he MIGHT (emphasis on MIGHT) make a good president. He obviously has some smarts. My biggest question is "Can he keep his mouth and his ego in check?"
So you give Hillary a thumbs up? Do you vote in us and Canadian elections? I think if you vote Hillary they will give you voting rights here.

As a Canadian, I cannot vote in America but I do reserve the right to express my opinion on international matters. I am not neccessarily a big Clinton fan, but at the time of my initial post, Trump's popularity was being discussed. In the end, the voters will have their say for better or worse. Unfortunately, only time will tell if they have made the right choice. IMHO Trump's knee jerk opinions on several matters and having his mouth in gear while his brain is in neutral will be his eventual downfall.
So you give Hillary a thumbs up? Do you vote in us and Canadian elections? I think if you vote Hillary they will give you voting rights here.

Cut the man some slack. His Premier Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs (Their area president?) started life as a community organizer.
Having the ability to fill the SCOTUS seat is what is driving my vote. I'd like to keep my 2nd amendment rights.
Almost a decade ago, as Obama started knocking the snot out of Hillary for the Democratic nomination, I proclaimed...."You have not seen the last of Hillary Clinton".
4 years ago I proclaimed...."If Hillary wants to be President, she will be President".

Since then we have seen the Senate seat & then the Secretary of State appointment and the Super Delegate railroading of any and all opponents.

I thought for a brief moment that the Bengazi attack or the private Email server issue would be her downfall, but that feeling lasted about 3 days.

So now here I go again.... "If she wins a second term, it will be the last election ever held in this country, until an all out civil war that results in the total overthrow of the federal government."

The "Republican Party" is more to blame for the current state of our country then the Dems are. The elected Republicans were supposed to stop all of this from happening. Remember those promises?

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