420 DA Thread

Thats the dirt i was looking for ...Thank you

I was laughing whene ur were talking about the turbo paint.

Mines ummm A darkertan... lol

I run 90%........ They said do it ... im on it ...

I have to figure out how to get the cummins guys to my boat..... My yard has issues with outside vendors... but atleast i got a year to figure things out.....

Thanx for the post skip... I so look forward to them...

all the best

I guess we are just lucky. As long as the outside contractor has X$ worth of insurance and pays a $10/day fee to the marina, you can have just about anything (including shrink wrapping) done by an outsider. I'm new at this marina and have not heard one way of the other about the quality of the help but its nice to know I can go to anyone (within reason) I want to get something done on the boat.
I was doing some work on my 420 recently.
I checked the Zinc's - all of mine are practically perfect - can't even see any "wear" - but, one of them - completely gone... Must have popped out of the holder or something - so I have to get that replaced...I am hoping that isn't a problem with that one floating around?

I tried to pull my impellers - I got no clue if I am doing it wrong...or if they are that frig'n difficult!! Used a 3/4 bolt like it says - then was pulling - and no luck!! Anyone else have this? Do you really have to pull or is there some secret I am missing here??

Other than that, fuel filters I will change once I burn off the 1/2 tank of diesel left from last year...Figured burn that off, fill up and change the filters...

Need to do the oil - but everyone has told me to do it when it's warm - easier. So, will put the boat in and then change that right away...

I am going in April 5th.. Was hoping to do the weekend before, but I decided to sneak in 1 last ski trip!!
For the older style impellers (Pre 2007, I guess) you can buy an impeller puller:


I carry two spare impellers and a puller aboard.

Be sure you close the ball valve leading from your tanks when you change your racor elements. I failed to do that on my last swap (tanks were full) and I got about a quart of diesel spillled into the bilge. Not a fun clean up job. Really recommend you store with fuel tanks full--the more air volume in your tanks, the more condensation you will get, and the greater the possibility of microbial growth in your fuel system. Bugs love water. I stored full, but added Diesel 9-1-1 as a precaution during re-commissioning.

As to changing the oil, it is a snap with the reverso system. Warm the engines and pump out the old oil; change filters (fillign with clean oil) then pump in the new. Same for the gen set. Trannies are a bit less convenient but still easy. I posted about how I did that in my 420 winterization thread. The only difficult part with ZF 280 Series IVs is the 22MM cap that covers the transmission filter. I did not have a 22Mm socket handy, so I put clean 30 wt Shell Rotella T in for the winter, but plan to clean my filters and repalce the oil this month anyway. Interstingly, despite a season of SR dealer services paid for by the original owner, the tranny filters have never been cleaned. The copper crush washers on the 22MM caps still have factory white paint with nary a scratch on them.

Skip -
Do you really need that impeller puller?
From what I saw looking at one - all it is in a 3/4 bolt with a T-Handle. I have a 3/4 bolt then just attach a small wrench. Is there something I am missing in terms of something that has to be pushed or ??? I was pulling on it after I did that - and it didn't even think of budging!!!

Re Diesel tank - 2 things...I left my boat in till December - our gas docks were long closed! So that made a small issue. I think I could have filled up at the YC - but...since I store my boat in a heated shed - I wasn't worried about condensation - it's constant 55 or so all winter...
If the impeller won't budge with the bolt inserted into the center and pushing on the pump shaft something seems wrong. You might try spraying the impeller inside the housing liberally with silicone and trying again. Impeller puller may or may not be necessary, but it seems like the impeller ought to ocme out with the bolt in the center pushing on the shaft.
I am glad I changed my impellers. I am assuming they were two seasons old; the vanes were beginning to pit and they had definitely taken a set to them. You have to move a lot of water to keep the Cummins cool..impellers are cheap insurance.

OK - learn something new...
You say put in the bolt then push on the pump shaft?

I screwed in the bolt in teh center, then just tried to pull it straight out? That is what my Cummins manual showed (not that great).

Is there something else I need to do?? When I say I pulled - I pulled...

MIne are only a year old - so I am sure they are decent still - but...???
As you turn the bolt the tip of the bolt presses against the impeller shaft, forcing the impeller out. My guess is you are not turning the bolt far enough.
Thanks! Got it out.
2 things I learned.
a) You can buy a impeller puller...but, all it is is a $60 screw.
b) The screw is a FINE THREAD, not normal / coarse. That was my problem first time, I was trying to use a coarse thread. Got a fine thread and turned in and no problem.

It came about 1/2 way out - then I had to work it to get it the remainder out - still not easy!!! But she came...

A little wear - had I pulled them in fall, I probably could save them - but for 20 / 30 bucks - I will just fed ex new ones in and install this week...Now I just have to figure out the type...

I did check my zincs - one is completely gone - it was from the top of the water cooler - all the others - perfect, no wear (fresh water). My guess is the one fell out of the holder. Is this going to be a problem?? Or, would it probably have flushed itself out by now?? I have to figure out the type it is and order.

Going in next weekend - will be changing the oil first thing when I drop in. I have some diesel left - will run that out, fill up fresh, and then change the fuel filters...
Does anyone leave there stern FLAG out??

I'm afraid its going to lift out of the holder.. I dont think its deep enough.... The flag pole is hollow ... I want to try and tap and die it so i can put a bolt in it ...

Any thoughts ?

Do you mean "out" while under way? I always have the flag "deployed" while under way but my holder is tapped and I have a set screw to keep the flag pole from coming out.
Robski - I thought the same on mine first time I used it - but it stays in... Only problem is the wind usually pulls the flag back into the boat...so if you are sitting there - you get smacked in the face with it! But I always put it out when I am underway
OK - am I crazy???
I just called Cummin's to get my new Sherwood Impellers...They wanted 150 bucks EACH!! I laughed at the guy...I can get them at any boat store or website for 30/40 each!! I don't mind a markup (heck, it's how I make my money) but - 300%+ you got me!!! I wonder how bad they got me on my filters?? Also...found out they charge about 400/500 per enginee for a oil change (it does include oil and filters) but...
I would be surprised to see that big of a difference in impeller prices. My impellers are about $280 each when I buy them online. Not sure what they are from the Cummins guys but I don't know why I would buy Sherwood impellers from Cummins to begin with.

Big engines = heavy duty replacement parts and big $$

Oil changes (and related items like coolant additives, filters, zincs, etc.) are DIY things for me. My first oil change on the 480DB was around $1200 if I remember correctly (my record book is not here in front of me) and they didn't really spend the time doing everything the manual said they should have done.

You buy my water pumps and I'll buy your impellers!
Gary -
You must have some big impellers - everything I saw for Sherwoods were about 30/40 some up to 50 bucks....that was the kit which was the impeller and new "O" ring...
I stand corrected...


I believe you have a 17000 series pump if you have a 420DA so you are right around the $50 mark. I have 18000 series pumps and this site has them for about $200... I've never bought anything at this place but just did an Internet search. I buy my impellers and vacuflush parts from "that other site we are not allowed to mention here". :wink:
Gary -
Funny that you just went there - I was just there myself...
55.38 - not bad.
And you are right - it is the 17000K that I need.
I just can't believe that MU they have at the enginee place!!

I needed a new zinc as well - 19 bucks... Will do a little internet surf'n and find one of those.....

Now if I can just find some filters - I will be set!
U mentioned coolant aditive... I heard some guys have a filter on there coolant. ( cca filter or something like it ) I dont have one...

Why would some have and some dont ? When the cummins guy was on the boat he was scratching his head... I called a few times to find out wtf... never got a staight answer...


Rob, the C series in my 420 have an engine mounted coolant filter. I replace mine annually, and use Cummins test strips to ensure I have the right chemistry in the coolant.


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