Recall Gretchen Whitmer - Michigan

I don't know the specifics of MI law. My recollection is there was court challenge to her use of executive order to pass new regulations. The court upheld her power.

Was it MI where the barber won and was allowed to reopen? But under a technicality that ruling became moot a few day later because the state was reopening?

The problem is when the law doesn't put a time limit on the use of emergency power. It should be limited to 30-60 then revoked unless extended by the assembly. Either party without a consciences that controlled the assembly could extend this indefinitely.

Right now few courts want step in and revoke or limit the executive branch during a health crisis in lieu of putting it back in the assembly.

This week a judge in NC overturned the governors order to shut down bowling alleys. The judge smartly didn't rule on the constitutional issue of executive power. He made a factual decision that the governor was applying his own order in an inconsistent manner.

If you all thought the MSM media was at full steam you are wrong. The cacophony over schools reopening is going to be the next blowup. This started today and will pick up steam over the next few days and will be a defining moment in the election. One article I read suggested we would need to trade off opening bars and gyms to offset the increased cases from opening schools. Apparently Karen doesn't like to socialize or get fit.
@MonacoMike ...I stole it and sent it to my sheep friends in Canada.... not a peep
I take that back.... here is part of the exchange.... to set the scene Bob is a very successful business man that I have known from high school .... considered a best friend. We go back and forth like this all day.... we both have had arm bruises from our wives when they catch us.

But my point is this is Bob a true Canadian .... we see the exact behavior on this sight all the time. There is just something wrong with them. I haven’t figured it out yet


I threw some sheep comments in there after this and then it went downhill from there.

You just can’t fix them :)
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I take that back.... here is part of the exchange.... to set the scene Bob is a very successful business man that I have known from high school .... considered a best friend. We go back and forth like this all day.... we both have arm bruises from our wives if they catch us.

But my point is this is Bob is a true Canadian .... we see the exact behavior on this sight all the time. There is just something wrong with them. I haven’t figured it out yet
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I threw some sheep comments in there after this and then it went downhill from there.

You just can’t fix them

Stated a Fact. Respond with insults. Thats all they have
But she is a Governor with dictatorial powers...

Can someone organize a peaceful armed march to her house celebrating their 2A rights, freedom and not wearing masks?

400-500 armed but peaceful protestors should cause her to rethink her stupidity.
So my wife has to go through "bias training" because the gov said so. My wife couldn't care less what color you are when she's sticking a tube down your throat. She's basically saying healthcare workers (white ones..) are racist and they need education on how not to be.

Literally everything she says is either political and/or pandering, everything!!
So my wife has to go through "bias training" because the gov said so. My wife couldn't care less what color you are when she's sticking a tube down your throat. She's basically saying healthcare workers (white ones..) are racist and they need education on how not to be.

Literally everything she says is either political and/or pandering, everything!!

Be glad you aren't in Seattle and have to put up with this:

So my wife has to go through "bias training" because the gov said so. My wife couldn't care less what color you are when she's sticking a tube down your throat. She's basically saying healthcare workers (white ones..) are racist and they need education on how not to be.

Literally everything she says is either political and/or pandering, everything!!

14% of the population in Michigan and 40% of the Covid 19 cases. Therefore your wife needs additional training. What happens after she is trained and the numbers stay the same or worsen? Does she lose her license?
It's been two weeks since I have been in Michigan until today.... And since ...Gretchen has imposed a mandatory mask law... I go into a big gas station, huge store I go into all the time...signs on the door saying mandatory masks. Go in....All the workers are not wearing masks and 3 out of the 4 construction workers buying stuff we're not wearing masks.... Okay... Now to the ups store... Samething sign on the door ...mandatory masks to enter.... Go in and two of the three employees are not wearing masks.
So is this the typical crying wolf story and people are done.... This witch went over the top and didn't control Detroit the hot spot at the beginning that caused the shutdown and punished the rest of the state.... I read the other day police were not going to enforce the mask wearing law... This woman has lost control from over reacting with a toleiterian attitude... Or did I just happen to go into two bad stores :).... And let's not forget she tried to save us by banning motor boating .... That her own husband couldn't resist

Here in IL we have a mask mandate. So far, I have seen most people comply. Did go into a gas station mart, on clerk didn't have a mask but he was behind a glass screen. Several people went in and out without masks -- which I can see as I forgot to grab mine as well and had to go back to the car.
What is the process to recall Whitless? By now she has had to piss off enough people to get the process going.
In West Michigan mask compliance is very high. I've not seen anyone without one inside a store.

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