Daylight Saving Time

Lay it on the ground or level table (outside in sunny area) pointing north (true?) and the time should roughly match your watch. Do this a few times and no need for the watch ...
He is retired, he has no need for a watch with or without the sundial. Well maybe to see when the bar opens up. :rolleyes:
I was talking to friends about time change and keeping it the same all year long. One wife of a friend said her kids would have to get up & wait for the bus when it's dark. I told her no they can change the time the kids need to be in school. Kids need to learn to get up on time anyway, it would just be a new learning experience for them.
He is retired, he has no need for a watch with or without the sundial. Well maybe to see when the bar opens up. :rolleyes:
Hell ya! Where you think I am now? Chicago Fire on. Up at 6am, chores done by 9. Flushed th Suzuki, washed the zodiac, cleaned kitchen and 2 loads of laundry. While most you puppies were still trying to function.
I was talking to friends about time change and keeping it the same all year long. One wife of a friend said her kids would have to get up & wait for the bus when it's dark. I told her no they can change the time the kids need to be in school. Kids need to learn to get up on time anyway, it would just be a new learning experience for them.
Around here, being further north and on the far edge of the time zone, it's dark in the morning when the kids are going to school whether DST or not. So, it doesn't really matter from that point of view, plus, when standard time comes along, we get our evenings chopped short. I hate it!
What do you not like about DST? I love it because it allows for more daylight later in the day. Can stay out on the water until 9-10pm and still have light at peak summer…
I hate the instant change. It’s not so bad in the Fall, but during the Spring it sux. Just leave it alone.
The one hour change doesn't affect me much. When I was driving big rigs around the country I was in different time zones almost daily dealing with pick up and delivery times in all those time zones. I was driving before smartphones and navigation. Wristwatch and a big truck atlas was what I used. As soon as I picked up a load, I would change my watch to the time zone I was delivering in so I could plan my trip.
Hopefully the idiots in Washington DC can just approve the Sunshine Act on its own without tacking other things we don't want or need on it.
If your going to mess with daylight savings time … do it in the spring …. I want the extra hour sleep come Monday morning
So, Apple phones and watches did their thing. Yay! That's about the only thing in my house that doesn't require my intervention.
My morning: starting from the bedroom is the desktop alarm clock (needs a Masters in Button-pushing). Next is the t-stat in the hallway. No, I don't have a "smart" t-stat, thank you very much! Then, the tv in the living room. Especially fun with the worn-out remote with sticky buttons. After that is the microwave and oven in the kitchen. Yeah, we all know about those items. Finally, my genuine windup chiming wall clock. Since it's purely mechanical, one can't simply "fall back" one hour. No, you have to advance it eleven hours, waiting for it to chime at every quarter-hour! That brings us up to a total of six items to be reset. Maybe I'll get to the four cars once it warms up a bit outside. Can we PLEASE just stay on DST?
So, Apple phones and watches did their thing. Yay! That's about the only thing in my house that doesn't require my intervention.
My morning: starting from the bedroom is the desktop alarm clock (needs a Masters in Button-pushing). Next is the t-stat in the hallway. No, I don't have a "smart" t-stat, thank you very much! Then, the tv in the living room. Especially fun with the worn-out remote with sticky buttons. After that is the microwave and oven in the kitchen. Yeah, we all know about those items. Finally, my genuine windup chiming wall clock. Since it's purely mechanical, one can't simply "fall back" one hour. No, you have to advance it eleven hours, waiting for it to chime at every quarter-hour! That brings us up to a total of six items to be reset. Maybe I'll get to the four cars once it warms up a bit outside. Can we PLEASE just stay on DST?
Just stop the clock for an hour in the fall. That's how I reset my grandfather's clock.
Just stop the clock for an hour in the fall. That's how I reset my grandfather's clock.
Well, normally that's what I'd do, but I let it run down earlier in the week, and, knowing my propensity to forget things, I just figure it'd be easier to take care of it then and there.

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