Recent content by Bill Harris

  1. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    Nice video TW. Looks like you had a good bit of work to do on yours as well. Looking good sporting that old skool Sea Ray!
  2. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    1st pic was the day I acquired, 5 yrs ago. Was anti-fouled blue with a red pinstripe. Removed from trailer, sanded off paint, epoxy primered and bottom painted blue and top painted oyster white. Will be capped with evinrude silver molding, windshield & motor. Also, completely rebuilt trailer...
  3. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    Thanks! Looking forward to it! Would love to see your 77!!! Please share...
  4. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    I sure hope so!!!
  5. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    Thanks Jon. I plan on using it as a bay boat and may venture into the ocean around Ocean City MD. Appreciate any help I can garner from the experienced members here, as I am new to the boating world.
  6. Bill Harris

    New, so I thought I would share my project...

    Picked up this 74 SRV193 off of a friend who was retiring and moving out of the state. Been a long 5 years, but starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking forward to finally enjoying it after all of the hours of hard work!