Recent content by Floatation Device

  1. Floatation Device

    camper enclosure

    How do you keep mold and mildew from growing onthe bottom side of the camper canvas? what is the best cleaner to use? I have used many recommeded products but I keep going back to bleach because it works but bad for the vinyl.
  2. Floatation Device

    Parts available for new and old sea ray boats

    Looking for a shroud for a 6.5KW CZ Kohler generator. Any ideas?
  3. Floatation Device

    Idiots on the ramp...again

    I live on the water. Boat floats in the back. Solved all ramp problems. Now the ramp is just for entertainment with a drink in my hand. Especially just before a rain.
  4. Floatation Device

    Rpm Issues

    Your tac is typically wired from your altenator. Is your voltage fluxuating also?
  5. Floatation Device

    Volt Meter Question

    I have a problem with my Port batteries and DC system. With nothing on, I measure 13.9 VDC on the batterys, both new. Turn on any lights and voltage drops a few tenths. Continue to turn on more stuff, the voltage contuines to drop. AC converter will drop to 12.9 volts. At the cross over relay I...