2008 Cherry Blossom Cruise, Washington, DC

We just got back on Sunday night from our American History vacation in DC and it was beautiful! The blossoms were fantastic and the weather very nice. Unfortunately the only boating we got in was the paddle boats in the tidal basin. Would have loved to see the cruise.

Skip - Thanks for sharing, it is comforting to know that leaves (and blosoms)still grow on trees! It has been a loooong winter here, not even a bud on the tree.
You have a great memory-it was on Cherry Blossom 07 that I hit some submerged debris and nearly tore off the port underwater exhaust--thankfully no such excitement-and no errant ragbotes- this year

safe boating


We did just that taking the father-in-laws 420AC from James Creek Marina in DC to New York City last May. While out in the ocean on plane we heard a clunk. We slowed down, listened/looked, nothing of the ordinary so we continued. When we docked in NYC we noticed the emergency bilge pump was coming on every 90 seconds. I crawled into the Engine Compartment and could see the water coming in on the port side but could not see the source. I guessed it was the under water exhaust. Quick haul out and sure enough, it was gone.

Good news is losing these will not sink the boat.

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