Calling all 390 Sundancer Owners (Power Question)


You have been very helpful, I appreciate it. As all of you have!

Where is that salon a/c unit, I couldnt find it!!


The Salon A/C unit on a 390 is under the stairs. You will find a black grate, pull on the middle bars (do not try to pry the frame) and it will pop off to access the unit. easy to clean the filter, but hard for anything else.

I never rarely popped a breaker on my 04' 390DA diesel, only if I had both stove burners on and the hot water heater.


In case you do end up buying it, a few tips from my 2005 390 days:

- I suspect that you like me won't be able to run the microwave without turning off something else (eg: the AC or Water Heater), trying to run the microwave on my 390 without turning off something else popped a breaker every time

Good luck!


My wife and I have the same issue on our '05 340, but it's no surprise. The microwave draws quite a bit. If we have it on at the same time as a couple of other items, the amperage goes over the 30 amp rating of the circuit, and it trips. You can see it on the meter on the A/C panel. High amp items include the micro, water heater, toaster, space heater, hair dryer, and curling iron. These are all obvious. Usually any two are fine, but the micro and water heater is a combo we avoid.

All of those are on one circuit. When out on the hook with the genny, you have another issue with which to contend - the other circuit. It holds the A/C and a 2-burner stove. Run one or two burners, the A/C, and a couple of items above such as a toaster and water heater, and you are pushing the limits of the generator. We are really careful with that because of obvious reasons (safety, damage), but also because it's a pain to have to crawl into the ER to reset the switch on the genny.

Watts are amps multiplied times volts. 5KW genny divided by 110 V AC leaves 45 amps, or only 75% of your shore power rating.

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