

New Member
Jun 17, 2007
Its less than a week till we drop and I have not dewinterized. I am a new boat owner, had a marina winterize and wrap the boat and now we are in a different lake that doesnt have a marina.

I have a 93 Mercruiser Bravo One 7.4 L, Can anyone tell me what I have to do to be water ready? I went and unwrapped and checked the batteries and everything works great. I am not sure what to do now....the boat is on a trailer in my campground.

Please someone help this first timer out.....
I think I better buy a book....cause I have no idea what a sea cock that a guy who cuts you off in the speed lanes? HA HA

Thanks, I hope I can get somewhere with this....
The sea cocks are through hull fittings which pick up water for use in your boat's systems. You have a Bravo I, so your engine most likely picks the water up through your outdrive, but you never know. Look for fittings in the bottom of the boat with big handles attached to them. If the handle is perpendicular to the flow of water, it's off. In line is on.
You need to exercise your sea cock every few weeks.... Or you'll end up beating it with a hammer to get it to work.
Man you guys are awesome...and funny as hell.....I am glad we can all joke and have a good time on here.

I have no freaking idea what I am doing, but i think with your help I might just get something accomplished...either im boating...or i am blowing the damn thing up..HA HA

Anyone near Ravenna Ohio wanna make some money helping me out?

Check with the marina that winterized your boat last year. They should have a record of what was done and can advise as to what you need to do.

Best of luck!
Why not hook the trailer up to your tow vehicle and take it somewhere to have it done?

Just curious...

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