Random Musings of a proud “Tea Bagger”.


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Oct 13, 2009
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Random Musings of a proud “Tea Partyer”.
1. If Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims really don’t support the radicals among them, why do our government leaders & the news media have to keep telling us that? Why is it not just self-evident?
2. If the Democrats thought the deficits created by Bush & the Republican Congress were so bad, why are Obama’s deficits that are 4 times what Bush had not considered 4 times worse?
3. If Obamacare is “urgently needed by the American people”, why does the House bill start taxing for it immediately but not start providing the “benefits” until four to five years later?
4. If Obamacare is so good, why do the liberal Democrats feel the need to push it through this year? Why not wait until next year when it is closer to the elections so that all Democrats can be more closely associated with it and get the credit for it at election time? Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s “urgently needed” - four or five years from now.
5. If Obamacare will pay for itself & not add to the deficit, why do they need to start taxing for it four years before it goes into operation? And, why do they have to take $500 billion from seniors’ Medicare to help cover the cost? Do you suppose that might have a negative impact on seniors’ health care service?
6. Do you suppose the fact that the AARP will financially benefit through the increased sale of their own health insurance policies under Obamacare had anything to do with their backing of the House bill? Follow the money – do the same for the AMA’s endorsement.
7. Do you suppose that the lack of support for tort reform in the Obamacare bill (lawsuits are estimated to add between 20% & 26% to the cost of health care) & the fact that the Trial Lawyers Association is one of the biggest contributors to the Democratic party is just coincidence?
8. Do you ever wonder if the Trial Lawyers Association name crosses Obama’s mind when he harangues on about “special Interests” having too much power in Washington? Don’t wonder about it too long ….
9. Candidate Obama promised to televise the “Health Care Reform” bill negotiations on C-SPAN as part of his transparency in government pledge. Do you suppose President Obama recently reminded Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid of his campaign promise? Do you suppose either of them would give a damn if he did?
10. If there are huge savings to be had through making Medicare & Medicaid more efficient, what are the Democrats waiting for? Why do they need health care “reform” to start achieving those savings?
11. If the President says Afghanistan is a “war of necessity”, why is the President not in a hurry to win it as quickly as possible?
12. Do you suppose Harry Reid thinks we’ve lost in Afghanistan? If so, do you suppose he’ll say that to the news cameras?
13. If Iran will give up on its desire to create a nuclear weapon because President Obama apologizes & speaks nicely to them, why did the same people, who now control Iran, taunt & belittle the equally apologetic Jimmy Carter administration in 1979 & 1980 when those Iranians took our embassy officials hostage? Why do you suppose the Iranians immediately caved in to the unapologetic Reagan administration and gave back the hostages?
14. Why are the Democrats always so worried about the Republicans “self destructing” by moving more towards conservative ideals? Wouldn’t you think the Democrats would be happy about the self destruction & just shut up about it & let it happen?
15. If a man attends a church for 20 years & has his children baptized by the pastor of that church but says he never knew of the pastor’s hate speech that had gone on in that church during those 20 years (including videotaped copies of the hate speech for sale at the church), do you suppose it is plausible the man is lying? Or, do you think the man is just a poor listener?
16. If the “advanced” global climate change models, that show the earth is warming at an alarming rate due to human caused carbon emissions, are any good, why did the authors of those climate models have to change the models after the fact to account for the last 11 years of cooler global temperatures & cooler oceans?
17. If Carbon emissions are warming the earth, why has the earth (most importantly the oceans) been cooling for the past 11 years while Carbon emissions have gone up?
18. If Al Gore is so concerned about his children & grandchildren living in an environment so damaged by “global warming caused by manmade carbon emissions”, why do you suppose he keeps increasing his carbon footprint with his large house, large cars, & frequent flights on private jets?
19. If Christians are just as likely to be terrorists in the name of Christ as Muslims are to be terrorists in the name of Allah, why aren’t the Lutherans bombing the hell out of Minneapolis, MN & the Southern Baptists shooting up Jackson, MS? Speaking of terrorists, do you suppose Bill Ayers would be more likely to be a follower of Reverend Wright or the Pope?
20. If our government leaders & the news media are so concerned about hate crimes, why do you suppose so little is said about hate crimes directed towards Jews, the number one target of hate crimes? Oh yeah, when was that last Jewish terrorist attack on the United States?
21. If the Constitution was intended to be a living / breathing document always changing with the times, why do you suppose it takes a sizeable effort to officially amend it?
22. Do you think you might need the protection of the Constitution someday? If so, do you hope it won’t be changing with the times to suit the arbitrary likes or dislikes of a particular judge? How about to suit the arbitrary likes or dislikes of a particular President? Did you notice what happened when the Germans let their Constitution be interpreted according the changing times in the 1930s? How about Venezuela in the current changing times?
23. If we spent $787 billion to raise unemployment another 3% to a national average of 10.2%, do you suppose instead we could have spent $1.574 trillion to have driven it up 6% to a national average of 13.2%? Do you suppose the Democrats will give it a try? Do you suppose the younger folks who helped vote Obama into office will ever come to hate the deficit he’s piling on them?
24. If New York keeps increasing its tax rates and its tax revenues keep going down, do you suppose New York will raise its tax rates high enough to drive revenues to zero?
25. Do you suppose that if the Secretary of Homeland Security had been more focused on Islamic terrorists and less focused on returning-from-battle U.S. military “terrorists”, Hasan might have been stopped before he performed his act of Islamic terror? Do you wonder how many of those U.S. military returning-from-battle “terrorists” she caught? Do you suppose she’s heard of Islamic Jihadists? If so, do you suppose she’s concerned about them and their terrorist rampage? What is her job again?
26. Do you suppose that if a few of those soldiers in the Ft. Hood Soldier Readiness Center had been armed they could have stopped Hasan before he killed 14 (including the unborn child) and wounded 41? Do you think Hasan may have picked that spot for his shooting spree because he knew no one would be armed in the Readiness Center?
27. If a burglar is deciding to burgle houses in your neighborhood and knows you are unarmed but your neighbor has a gun or two, all other things being equal, which house do you suppose he’ll choose? Would you want to borrow one of your neighbor’s guns that evening?
28. Why do you suppose that when guns are outlawed, gun crime goes up?
29. If all of a sudden gold was available just for the picking in everyone’s backyard, do you think its value would go up or down? Do you think the same logic might be true about the value of the dollar? Which has risen more in value since the dollar went off the gold standard – the dollar or gold? Which has been more freely available? Which has recently been dumped into the U.S. economy?
30. If using the medical services of a doctor who has trained & studied for many years is a “right” for everyone, if prescription medicine that took significant investment & risk to develop should be available to all as a “right”, and if medical equipment that takes capital investment and the services of others to build is given to you & me as a “right”, then do you suppose it was a “right” for the plantation owners to keep the cotton planted & picked by slaves in the early days of this country? Why do you suppose we waged a civil war to stop slavery if the value of work & property can be arbitrarily taken from some and bestowed upon others as a “right”?
31. Why did we have to turn in clunkers as part of the payment for those new cars? Don’t we have a right to a new car?
32. If the Obama administration wants to be so transparent, why do you suppose the President will not allow photos taken of him while smoking his two packs per day? Will he still have a right to slowly kill himself under Obamacare? Do you suppose he tries to avoid the extra high cigarette taxes by secretly flying to Missouri to buy his smokes? Did you ever wonder why he makes all those transcontinental flights that just happen to stop in St. Louis to “refuel”?
33. Do you suppose Mother Teresa would have had Mao as one of her favorite philosophers?
34. Do you suppose we can balance the budget & reduce the deficit by taxing the citizens in those extra 7 states that President Obama talked about during his campaign? Do you suppose that is where all the people who voted for him in the last election are hiding?
35. If raising the minimum wage was such a good thing, is 50% unemployment among black teenagers an equally good thing? Do you suppose there might, just possibly, be a correlation?
36. Have you noticed this Congress is not holding hearings into the causes of the mortgage meltdown? Do you suppose they may already know the answer? Do you suppose they don’t want the American people to know the answer? (Do Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Community Reinvestment Act ring a few bells?) Do you suppose Christopher Dodd was influenced by his sweet deal from Country Wide?
37. If the liberal Democrats believe letting illegal aliens come to the U.S. to take jobs from U.S. citizens is a good thing, why do you suppose the Democrats are so opposed to having other jobs taken overseas & away from U.S. citizens? Do you suppose they ever notice the inconsistency?
38. If the government can run health care so effectively, why do you suppose, with all of the warning & time they had, the Obama administration doesn’t have enough of the H1N1 virus vaccines prepared for this “national emergency”?
39. If “free” national health care is so good, why do you suppose are there prosperous businesses in Canada that specialize in getting Canadian citizens to a U.S. doctor when they really need life saving care?
40. When you are waiting for a government bureaucrat in Washington D.C. to decide whether you are eligible for a certain health care service that is necessary to save your life, do you suppose you’ll be at least a little bit nervous? Have you experienced customer support from any government agency? Will that experience will make you feel more or less nervous?
41. Do you think a few Californians may have had plans for the extra 10% of their income their state assembly suddenly decided to withhold from their paychecks? Do you suppose you’d like to give your state a supposedly-6-month no interest loan equaling 10% of your income (before taxes)? No, well then how about to me? Have you heard that a number of Californians are moving to Tennessee? Do you suppose it has anything to do with California’s tax system versus Tennessee’s? I wonder what that does to California’s tax revenues.
42. Do you suppose President Obama ever lies………about his golf score?
How’s that “Hope & Change” working out for you?
God Bless the USA & God Bless All Who Serve in Our Armed Services!
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Never mind the urban dictonary. . .the tea-bag concept, with the Boston Tea Party implications, is apt.

I personally am a FAN of political protest movements. My only beef with the tea-baggers was that none of these people (at least, none of the supporters in the Media) were very concerned about deficits and entitlements (such as the perscription drug plan) when Republicans were in office. . . .

The basic concept of holding political rallies to oppose the policies of government, to oppose the philosophy of those in power, and to encourage a change of political fortunes at the ballot box is 100% what America is about. I have always viewed Obama as having a two year window to implement his policies -and show success- before the 2010 elections toss out the Democratic majorities.

So far, I think Obama is not on the path to show results.

On the domestic front, he is definately being dragged down by Pelosi and Reid, as I feared. Those two clowns are very MUCH the problem; not the solution. On the foreign policy front - so far not impressed. Yes, he scored point maneuvering Iran on the WMD issues; but Iran this weekend has formally thumbed their noses to the west. Having tried -and failed- the first round; it is time for something more meaningful. Note that to date, he has achieved more than Bush did in 6 years -> but that is not saying anything at all! Regarding Afganistan -> He is showing paralysis by analysis. I am not pleased by that.

Does this sound a bit different than what I have posted in the past? Sure does. That's because results or in this case lack of results count.

Note that in 2008 I was strongly anti-Republican. The Republicans basically reaped what they had sown. You can argue "I told you so" as much as you want, but my perception is still that the Republicans followed a weak President with a weak Candidate, and therefore were rightfully shown the door. I saw the "new" contract with America document. . .the new Republican litmus test for candidates. What crock of warmed manure. People. . . .governance is not about what you oppose it is about what you are for. Blindly opposing anything your opponents do is simply NOT leadership, and does not make you worthy of a vote.

- - - - -

I also consider the racist and revolutionists in the tea-bag movement to be a fringe not worth talking about (just like the extreme left wing nutjobs are not worth talking about). (although, one should be vigilient regarding the Fringe becoming mainstream.)

I don't know what is wrong with urban kids these days. What makes today's young men want to put their scrotum on another man's face? That's not even a good stunt to pull as a joke. :huh:

At any rate, I reject the urban description and join with our Colonial bretheren in the spirit of revolt. Teabaggers unite! :thumbsup:
Ok I guess I should have said Tea Parties (in which I changed in the post)but Our "Guest" wouldn't understand because I am sure he is use to the other kind of tea bagging.
COMSNARK I think you are right on a few things but this President has done nothing for the American People except shove his agenda down our throat’s he is arrogant and takes responsibility for nothing. As far as Iran Bush did not talk to then because they would not comply with demands out on them by the UN but then why would they, the UN is a joke. Yes Bush I thought was OK for the first 4 years then he sucked the last 4 and Obama expand 10 fold on what bush did economically they all have the Idea that the large corporations or Banks can't fail well after trillions of our dollars wasted we get screwed by them.
Look at Illinois Politics and you will see the White House it is about Pay to Play and Punishing your enemy’s. I personally look for the conservative candidate’s that fit my core values and vote that way. I have a hard time under standing why Democrats love paying higher taxes can somebody explain that to me.
I don't know what is wrong with urban kids these days. What makes today's young men want to put their scrotum on another man's face? That's not even a good stunt to pull as a joke. :huh:

At any rate, I reject the urban description and join with our Colonial bretheren in the spirit of revolt. Teabaggers unite! :thumbsup:
You mean like Emnem did at the MTV Awards:smt043
Everyone knows that tea-bagging is a term used in kitesurfing to describe what it looks like when a guy gets in over-powering conditions, falls off his board, and flies the kite directly over head to avoid being dragged. The kite lifts him out of the water until it loses power due to accelerating with the wind, then drops him back in the water. Then, the resistance against the wind increases and the kite lifts him back out of the water until he accelerates with the wind and the lift decreases and drops him back in the water.

It looks funny and kind of a peaceful - lifting and dunking in the ocean. When it happens to you, it's quite violent and induces a threatening, lack of control and drowning sensation inter-twined with the fear of being carried away followed by slamming down in the ocean, drowning, rinse and repeat.

Many victims have been heard screaming "Scrotum! I meant the Scrotum!"
Look at Illinois Politics and you will see the White House it is about Pay to Play and Punishing your enemy’s. I personally look for the conservative candidate’s that fit my core values and vote that way. I have a hard time under standing why Democrats love paying higher taxes can somebody explain that to me.
Being in politics is about power.

The largest voting block in the democratic party is in the lower end of the income brackets. The programs typically don't affect those in power, since they are either exempt, or make more than enough to not care.

The programs that are geared toward the lower end of the income brackets are voted on mostly by the receiving voter. They don't have to worry about higher taxes for the most part. So, they vote for them since in an ideal world, that is the best thing to do, and if they don't have to pay for the programs, even easier to vote that way.
COMSNARK I think you are right on a few things but this President has done nothing for the American People except shove his agenda down our throat’s he is arrogant and takes responsibility for nothing.

Most of the items on his "agenda" were items he campaigned upon; so I do not fault him there. The fact that many people don't like that agenda is the reason McCain got as many votes as he did; rather than a vote tally that corrosponded better with Bush's approval rating.

As for not taking responsibility -> That works for the first few months. Right? By the time November 2010 rolls around, however, is when the chickens will come back to roost.

Which, BTW, is something that I have long suspected -> that the Democratics would overreach in 2009 - 2010 and then the Republicans would take both houses. Then you are (hopefully) back to a (potentially successful) gridlock we had back in the Clinton years.

You mean like this?

That is an extreme case of tea-bagging that ended up on the beach and worse, but yes, that is the general idea. From afar, it generally looks like a gentle dipping of a giant bag of tea into the ocean, then back out, then back in.

When you scroll all the way down, there's an example pic. :smt043

Back to the real reason of the post this is an e-mail I got from one of the Tea Party Members every one that can make is welcome. Please check the web site at the bottom.

While Crystal Lake is mourning the death of one of its soldiers Sgt. Jason A. McLeod (whose visitation will be from 2 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Davenport Family Funeral Home, 419 E. Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake) on Thursday this is what is happening down the street at McHenry County College in Crystal Lake. -
the MCC Students for "Peace" group is having as their guest and speaker Thursday, December 3, 7:00 PM, the lawyer defending the GITMO terrorists.

These people are spitting on the graves of every veteran that has fought the enemy overseas so that we do not have to fight them in our streets here.

Thanks to the misguided likes of “Students for Peace” and ACLU lawyers this could change.

All who would like to attend this meeting to show them the face of those that will defend and protect this country while they try to destroy it, meet at the college’s building B parking lot at 6:30 PM.

Thank you

I will be in DC but please folks, go there and protest!!!! While this reckless lawyer reads rotten poetry written by Gitmo detainee butchers, I will be in DC fighting to get one of our Heroes out of Leavenworth for defending himself against a terrorist.

I hope thousands show up to protest. This is the slap in the face of all our Heroes who have given their lives and all who have fought and are fighting these butchers!

Folks, you can't keep sitting in your living rooms thinking you are safe. YOU ARE NOT SAFE ANYMORE! I hope every veteran that gets involved in Toys for Tots gets on his motorcycle and heads over to MCC. Those tots you are collecting for are not safe anymore and your presence at MCC can make a difference in their lives! This isn't a "political" position you would be taking, this is loyalty to the oath you have taken to defend this country against foreign and or domestic enemy!

Please spread this and post this far and wide.

Thank You

Beverly Perlson

The Band of Mothers



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