Vacu-Flush Issues


New Member
Jun 7, 2009
We have a 2006 340DA and today I was down in the bilge checking everything and noticed that the vacu-flush system would kick on periodcally to re-create the vacuum. Anyone know where I should begin in figuring out where I might have a leak in the system? I would guess the seal in the head but before I start messing with things it might be good to hear from someone that knows for sure. I am not real handy and being without income for two years now I am trying to do as much as I can myself (scary thought). Thanks to all that might help us out with some ideas.
First start with the seal in the head, I use the Sealand cleaner, specialy clean the rubber gasket. Then search this forum: vacu-flush, valuable information if you like to read the posts.

2001 Sundancer 310
Hmm... That's an awful new boat to have vacuflush problems. Do you use the head often or does the boat sit a lot? Have you used caustic chemicals down the toilet (i.e. like bleach or super-dee-duper toilet cleaner)?

Losing vacuum is often caused by duckbill valves and you may have something jammed in one/two/three/four of them... You married? Teenage girls? You floss your teeth? Use condoms? Wipe your butt with paper towels?

Need more info...
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That happened to me last weekend. I found that the seal in the toliet itself was leaking (water in the bowl would slowly leak out...). A light cleaning of the bowl, especially with the flush open, immediately cured that.
IF the bowl isn't running dry, then I doubt the bowl seal is bad. You probably have bad duckbill valves. Easy, but not enjoyable job changing them.
Oatmeal can cause a problem too....

Not to mention corn....

I had a similar thing happen this weekend...pumped the foot pedal a few extra times during the flush to clear the Sealand TP that collects between the ball and seal.
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We've had similar problems a couple of times. Once Nick's suggestion corrected, other times it's been dry crudded up duckbills that preventing a good seal.

As suggested in a much earlier post, when we leave the boat for days/weeks we:

Fill the bowl ¾ full with water & flush to blow everything thur the duckbills.
Turn off the vacu-flush system.
Flush to loose the vacuum.
Put a couple of tablespoons of dish soap in the bowl.
Open the flush valve until water backs up in the bowl a couple of inches.
Let this stand until you use the boat next.

That has corrected/prevented any vacuum problems we're had in 4 yrs.
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Great help everyone. Will dive in (yuck) and see what I can see. Safe cruising to all! LatisIII

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