Search results

  1. bob

    New Use For Sacrifical Zincs

    Speaking of corrosion.... I have heard of attaching zinc "mermaids" to the dock to help deflect stray electrical currents. Being frugal, (actually cheap), I thought of putting my old zincs into a plastic onion bag (the ones that look like a net that onions are sold by at the store), and...
  2. bob

    Leaving the batteries in for the winter

    My wife made arrangements to have our boat (240 DA) shrinkwrapped in our driveway Friday of last week. (Mobile shrinkwrapping is popular as not many marinas have winter storage in our part of New England.) So, what happens is the wrapping service shows up a day early while both of us were away...
  3. bob

    Painful Pictures

    This is evidently making the rounds on the internet. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any supporting documentation as to where and why this event ocurred. Perhaps some of you might be able to fill us in on what happened.
  4. bob

    Re-Post: Private Mail Abuse

    . I received a PM this afternoon from a member called "James." In it, he extols the virtures of Buddhism. First of all, I never heard of "James." Second, I don't believe the CSR Forum/PM service is an appropriate venue for what I feel is SPAM. Has anyone else received a similiar...
  5. bob

    BIII Water Pump Impeller

    I understand the BIII does not have a water pump integrated within its housing, but rather on the engine. Can anyone tell me where the pump/impeller is on my 5.0L? Is it accessible and a easy task to perform? Will gaskets need replacement at the same time? How expensive is this part? BTW...
  6. bob

    Porta-Potti/Macerator Question

    I'm having trouble with my macerator system. My porta-potti is connected to a macerator pump located in the engine compartment. When I activate the pump, the macerator makes the appropriate noises, (it almost sounds like an old washing machine), and there's a translucient box it sits in so I...
  7. bob

    Winterizing water system

    Pulling the boat out of its slip this weekend and will start the winterizing soon after. My question is what is the best way to winterize the water system? On previous boats, I accomplished this by running the faucets until dry; then adding RV type of antifreeze, (and a little bit of water)...
  8. bob


    How about a stock selection of avatars for members who don't have access to other sources?
  9. bob


    Can't see the emoticons.
  10. bob

    Steering wheel replacement

    I'd like to replace the stock steering wheel on my 240 DA. I've found some better looking wooden ones on the internet, but notice most of them seem to have 6 mounting holes, whereas the original wheel has 5. What's one to do--drill out new holes or are there conversion kits available?
  11. bob

    "Snap" Fastener Stains

    I've noticed after a rain, black streaks will start to form beneath the snap fasteners for the mooring cover. Looking at other Sea Rays in my marina, this seems to be common. I've waxed them, but it doesn't seem to have an effect on preventhing them. They seem to come off easily enough with...
  12. bob

    Steamed Up Gauges

    Finally brought my "new" 2000 240DA home from the boatyard this weekend. Within seconds of putting it into my driveway (needed to compound/polish it before launching), a cloudburst descended. I didn't have time to put the canvass up before the rain started. Now, two days after the storm...
  13. bob

    Dinghy w/4-stroke Question

    Just bought a used 2000 240DA and would like to be able to mount my dinghy. I have a 8' Zodiac with a 5-hp Envinrude 4-stroke, which is a good combination of inflatible/motor. Most of the dinghy mounts I've seen for swim platforms raise the sides of the dinghy to vertical, or past vertical...
  14. bob

    Fresh Water Cooling System Question

    I just purchased a used 2000 240 DA (5.0L, Bvo III) that had only 150 hrs--all in fresh water. I will be berthing it in brackish water and using it primarily in costal waters--obviously salt H2O). Prior to launching, I'd like to have a "fresh water" cooling system installed to protect the...