PARX Casino

Yep, craps table has been very good to me , going to try again to be on the + side
last nights + 450 is not a loss

It is for someone else ;) House always wins in the end!

They do love winners though - they make for great advertising.
Still better odds than the gas dock.:confused:

Either way is good - even when I loose I consider it part of my entertainment budget - never bet what I can't afford to loose.

If I could only do this every trip to the tables I would give up the boat repairs but we all know it does come to an end eventually
If I could only do this every trip to the tables I would give up the boat repairs but we all know it does come to an end eventually

I am a Black Jack kind of guy. I know and play the odds. The key to winning is to know when to play and when to walk away. On a hot table you will feel like you can't go wrong - when it turns its time to walk or you might as well just hand them the money and skip the frustration. Sometimes it starts that way - then it's time to take a walk around and find another table.

Whenever I go I have a daily budget - If I loose it then that's okay - hopefully I had fun. I prefer to play with the house's money so whenever I go up I stash away my budget for another day. This works for me as it's all about having fun. I don't let losing at a casino affect me any more than filling up the tanks on the boat.

I have never liked gambling, even simple slots and blackjack. The odds are with the house, especially in the long run. I also hear people talking about how much they win, but never how much they have lost. I understand the thrill of winning, but the feeling when I lose beats that out for me. I think its the accountant in me. For me, burning $500 of fuel boating is WAY more enjoyable for me than leaving it at a casino. That said, some of my friends don't understand my boating and fishing addiction either. Or golf, or fine wine. To each his own as they say. Its nice to have a little extra money to play.

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