Almost died at the boat lastnight

A little more info?
I've used bombs before, but exit immediately and only enter to open the hatches to air it out, then leave until it's been well ventilated.

Did you set them off and stay in the cabin too long? Did you not ventilate it enough before you returned?
Glad to hear your ok we had an Indian resturant near us explode caused $100,000.00 damaged because of those bug bombs they let off too many in a small area.
I use shop-vac then sprinkle borax detergent booster ,,no spiders or any safe!
Sorry to hear about your ordeal, but very happy you are OK. Umm. Be careful of poisonous stuff. It can kill you, too.

Best regards,
Did you set them off and stay in the cabin too long? Did you not ventilate it enough before you returned?
I went back in to check on the bug bomb . I thought that a wave from a boat leaving tipped it over.
What kind of bomb did you use? Some of the active ingredients in consumer insecticide products contains the same active ingredients as commercial/agricultural insecticides that require special licenses even to posess. BE CAREFUL, and remember that your nervous system functions just like the one in a bug and can be disrupted in exactly the same way.
What kind of bomb did you use?
EPA Registration Number: 00884500012​

This pesticide is used as a:
This pesticide is registered for unrestricted use.
This pesticide's toxicity code is 3, which corresponds to a toxicity category of Caution.​

Active Ingredients in this Product
Percentage by Mass


CAS Number: 72-43-5
? Human Health Hazards
Health Hazard Reference(s)
Recognized: --
Suspected: Developmental Toxicant
Endocrine Toxicant
Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant
Kidney Toxicant
Reproductive Toxicant
Respiratory Toxicant
Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant​

Chemical: DIAZINON
CAS Number: 333-41-5​

? Human Health Hazards
Health Hazard Reference(s)
Recognized: --
Suspected: Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicant
Developmental Toxicant
Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant
Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant
Note the words: Neurotoxicant, Cardiovascular or blood toxicant. Thats the bad boys that almost got me. The malathion is the worst of the bunch. They gave it a health hazard 3.​
What the hell is a "Reproductivetoxicant"?! Is that a word? I think I may have had some of that slipped into my drinks...
I think it was the Malathion that got you, its an organophosphate, albeit a mild one, that is an acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor. Its main mode of action as an insecticide is to disrupt the central nervous system and respiratory system of the target pest. It functions by deactivating the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which is required to breakdown the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is the primary messenger in the respiratory system. In a nutshell, without the enzyme to break down the transmitter, the signal to the muscles to breathe becomes jammed because the messenger doesn't leave after delivering the message, thus preventing any new messages from arriving.

BTW, All the actives in that bug bomb, if sold commercially or for agricultural use (and all are registered for agricultural use) do in fact require a restricted use pesticide license to pruchase and use. In their diluted form, they are considered safe for the general public, but you must follow the label directions.
Oh, you should watch your exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors for some time in the future as toxic exposure will sensitize you. This means that it will take far less exposure the next time to result in acute symptoms. Don't worry though, this affect is only temporary and you will regain normal tolerance in a few weeks as your cholinesterase enzyme levels return to normal.
What the hell is a "Reproductivetoxicant"?! Is that a word? I think I may have had some of that slipped into my drinks...

Thats the active ingredient in wedding cake, which explains why after marriage...oh never mind.
What the hell is a "Reproductivetoxicant"?! Is that a word? I think I may have had some of that slipped into my drinks...

This explains you and Wayne both having ATV accidents this year.
Ok, lesson learned from all of this, once you set off the bomb stay out for 3 hours, do not go back in to check on it. :thumbsup:
I think it was the Malathion that got you, its an organophosphate, albeit a mild one, that is an acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitor. Its main mode of action as an insecticide is to disrupt the central nervous system and respiratory system of the target pest. It functions by deactivating the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which is required to breakdown the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is the primary messenger in the respiratory system. In a nutshell, without the enzyme to break down the transmitter, the signal to the muscles to breathe becomes jammed because the messenger doesn't leave after delivering the message, thus preventing any new messages from arriving.

Ya, what he said.......

That's knowing your stuff man!!!!! Nice work:)
Scary sh_t... I guess, looking on the bright side, you could have fallen in the water and drowned, fallen in the cabin where no one would find you, hit your head hard and croaked. So all things considered, you are quite fortunate.

Glad you're still with us. Good lesson for all!

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