Boat soap revisited

I used Woody Wax Boat Soap Ultra Pine on my 320 after not being able to wash it for about 3 to 4 weeks and I've gotta tell ya,, I AM SOLD!!!! Holy smokes, this boat shines now. I had spider poop and grime all over the topside and black streaks up and down the freeboard. I used a soft brush and it's ALL gone!! No "Black Streak Remover", not a single squirt of "Spider Poop Remover" and daayum she looks AWESOME!!!!
I used Woody Wax Boat Soap Ultra Pine on my 320 after not being able to wash it for about 3 to 4 weeks and I've gotta tell ya,, I AM SOLD!!!! Holy smokes, this boat shines now. I had spider poop and grime all over the topside and black streaks up and down the freeboard. I used a soft brush and it's ALL gone!! No "Black Streak Remover", not a single squirt of "Spider Poop Remover" and daayum she looks AWESOME!!!!
Yikes....... Where the heck are you parking on the river?.... I think we need before and after pics next time. Just in case your a Woody Wax Boat Soap Ultra Pine Salesperson...?? That's better than "Spider Poop Remover" and "Black Streak Remover"... If it's true have the ultimate boat soap... You win!!
Yikes....... Where the heck are you parking on the river?.... I think we need before and after pics next time. Just in case your a Woody Wax Boat Soap Ultra Pine Salesperson...?? That's better than "Spider Poop Remover" and "Black Streak Remover"... If it's true have the ultimate boat soap... You win!!
I think the Black Stripe Remover product smells like and acts like Fantastic. Man, does that product strip wax, making black stripes return that much faster. Great product concept......strip the stripe, than strip the stripe, then buy more stripe stripper.
I think the Black Stripe Remover product smells like and acts like Fantastic. Man, does that product strip wax, making black stripes return that much faster. Great product concept......strip the stripe, than strip the stripe, then buy more stripe stripper.

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