Check batteries monthly

On of the reasons I like the Pronautic chargers is that they will enter into an automatic conditioning/desulphation stage if the boat is not used for 21 days. There is also a full equalization and desulphation feature. I do that once a year (usually right around now). From the manual:

CHARGING RATES – The ProNauticP Charger provides multi stage charging (Charging, Conditioning and Auto Maintain) as indicated in the features section. Auto Maintain (Energy Conservation Mode) - When charger has properly charged and conditioned the batteries, it will enter its Auto Maintain (Energy Conservation Mode). In this Mode the charger will monitor and Auto Maintain the battery voltages as listed in the battery types chart on page 17 of the user manual. During this Auto Conservation Mode the Standby LED will be on - to view full display, including voltage and current, press any function button. This will place the unit in a continuing maintenance mode. During extended periods of non-use, Battery Health Mode will initiate every 21 days ensuring fully conditioned batteries which will be ready to go.

RECONDITON/EQUALIZATION – This feature is only recommended for traditional capped and vented lead acid type batteries, and will only operate when those types of batteries are selected, and the user initiates the feature. This process uses high voltage over a short period of time to remove sulphates from the batteries plates. The process “equalizes” the flooded cells and mixes the electrolyte, significantly extending your battery life. Please ensure before you begin this process that the batteries are topped off with distilled water. This function is recommended no more than 4 times per year.​

One think I have to check is whether I have to remove my autofill when conditioning the batteries. I think I will anyway, because it really does "boil" the electrolyte during the cycle generating a lot of hydrogen bubbles. No point risking damaging the autofill caps.

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