Crazy Joe Biden

My wife gets the extra $600 each week. I like it, sure hope they decide to continue it. I need it for boat fuel and beer.
Best investment I've heard yet......
My wife gets the extra $600 each week. I like it, sure hope they decide to continue it. I need it for boat fuel and beer.
Yes, under the Polosi cares act every American on unemployment got an additional $600 on top of the unemployment benefit they were already getting.

that is more than we get in germany from goverment help and this was fought off for american people by democratic pelosi ?

are you plain crazy to even think voting trump ? vote republican again when a leader like ronald reagan is on top .
Best investment I've heard yet......
I haven't been drinkin' as much for the last several years but now with the wife unemployed she gets on my nerves. I need that $600 to help get rid of the stress. If it was a little more I wouldn't mind but I ain't greedy or anything like that.
Best investment I've heard yet......
I was thinkin' if they would increase the amount of weekly free money I could maybe make the payments on a new car for my wife. Her current car is getting old and she'll need something more dependable if she ever goes back to work.

The more I think about it, I should get 600 bucks a week too. I haven't worked for many years...if other people can get free money for not working that ought to apply to me to...I meet the criteria.:)

Wow, my whole financial situation is looking rosier now. New car, more spending money....Ollie, when I see you over at the islands I'll buy.
that is more than we get in germany from goverment help and this was fought off for american people by democratic pelosi ?

are you plain crazy to even think voting trump ? vote republican again when a leader like ronald reagan is on top .
Voting for Biden because you don’t like Trump. Is like eating a dog turd because you don’t like broccoli.
I was thinkin' if they would increase the amount of weekly free money I could maybe make the payments on a new car for my wife. Her current car is getting old and she'll need something more dependable if she ever goes back to work.

The more I think about it, I should get 600 bucks a week too. I haven't worked for many years...if other people can get free money for not working that ought to apply to me to...I meet the criteria.:)

Wow, my whole financial situation is looking rosier now. New car, more spending money....Ollie, when I see you over at the islands I'll buy.

I like your plan. She'll probably take more trips to Ashland over the excitement of the new car. You can ask her to pick up some Nut Brown from South Shore. It's a win-win!

You'll have to get out your binoculars to look for me. I'm the baby cousin compared to yours. :D I'll probably be running around up there in 2 weeks.
that is more than we get in germany from goverment help and this was fought off for american people by democratic pelosi ?

are you plain crazy to even think voting trump ? vote republican again when a leader like ronald reagan is on top .

I know that over in Germany, you only get the news from America through the "main stream media". There are 6 large companies that run almost all of the news agencies. They have been helping the demorats hide their corruption by not reporting it, while at the same time making it seem that every move Trump makes is something that Adolf Hitler would have done.

Trump has done more for this country than any other President since Ronald Reagan. I am a huge RR fan, and up until President Trump arrived he was at the top of my list of best Presidents. Given the obstacles the corrupt demorats have thrown Trump's way, the fact that he has still accomplished so much makes his accomplishments even more astounding. I think Trump is better than Reagan. There. I said it.

Trump was an outsider. Members of BOTH political parties have been playing a sneaky game with the citizens of the US. No matter which side won, the country kept moving in the same direction. Trump is an outsider who is not playing that game. He is trying to do what is right for ALL of the regular people of the US. He is working for free (gives his Presidential salary back to the government). They can not bribe him, or control his actions by giving him power or money because he already had his own power and money before he became President. He is in effect, the first truly independent President that we've had in over a century. That is why they are trying to destroy him.

If Hillary had won, all of the criminal activity of the Obama crime spree would have simply been covered up. When Trump won, they went crazy because they knew that he would expose their illegal activities. They invented the Russia hoax so that they could stop Trump from getting control of the Justice Department, preventing him from uncovering their misdeeds. We've all seen the evidence. They faked FBI interview records on General Flynn because the Obama administration (crime spree) knew that Flynn would be able to figure out what happened, and expose all of Obama's (and friends) illegal activities. Some of these were spying on our citizens, "losing" vast sums of money in the State Department (run by the corrupt Hillary Clinton), using the IRS (tax collection agency) to harass people that disagreed with them, selling Uranium to Russia, giving secrets to China, and secretly sending money to Iran to pay off his Muslim friends. Joe Biden and his son were using their positions of power to line their pockets by working with corrupt officials in Ukraine to launder illegal money, while doing the same in China at the same time.

Pelosi and her minions (demorats) are trying to shape the US to the same model as the EU which has proven to be a spectacular globalist failure that will be lucky to make it another 5 years. we do not want the US to adopt to that failed globalist model. The UK was the first shoe to drop. Italy or Greece will be next. Then the others.

Before the Kung Flu hit, life in the US was getting better and better by the day. Everyone could see it, and feel it. No country or leader can stop a virus that has no known cure. Not even a great President like Trump. He is not to blame. The question becomes, who can get us moving again when the virus is gone? The answer is that we know that Trump can do it again.

The rioting that you see on TV is confined to several large cities where everything has been run by Trump's opponents for a very long time. They (demorats) own it. We have many cities and states that have NO rioting or looting because the Republican and independent controlled cities are not trying to destroy Trump. The total number of people doing the rioting is about 20,000 spread out over 6 or 7 places. About 3,000 people in each location having problems. We have over 330 million citizens in the US, so only about .00006% of us are involved. The yellow vest protests in France were much, much larger. They are trying to duplicate what Adolf Hitler did in Germany. Get rid of the police first. Then, send in the brownshirts (antifa & BLM filling that role) to cause trouble hoping that Trump sends in the federal law enforcement agencies and kills someone, which would cause even more civil unrest. While everyone is fighting each other, the demorats would leverage the unrest to get back into power and start running things like Hitler did. Killing off their enemies and running roughshod over everyone and anything that got in their way. If you weren't alive back then, find someone who was and show them this. They'll tell you that's exactly what happened in Germany back them.

So... don't be fooled into believing everything that you have heard. You are not seeing the full story.

Trump is going to win again. Take that to the bank. People are afraid to express their support for him in public because the left are using facist tactics (using violence against anyone with an opposing position). Tell a pollster that you are voting for Trump, and you end up on a list. If that list falls into Antifa's hands, they might come harass you. So, people are just keeping quiet, or just lying to the pollsters and saying that we are voting for Biden when we aren't. It's just safer. I see Trump signs everywhere (and I live in a demorat controlled state). I have NEVER seen a single Biden flag. Anywhere. The poll that counts will happen on November 3rd. It is done in secret, so nobody will be scared to vote for him. The unrest you have seen is working against the people who are supporting it. The public does not like it, and will not vote to continue it.
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thank you very much skibum and others for your posting !

let me clarify : i,m generally a big friend of USA , the american people and your culture so i follow the news concerned if dark clouds cover your country .

in fact i do not care much what party sits in the white house but only try to look what effect the president decisions have on the country . this means i,m NOT against republicans in general .

i do not cover only CNN but also FOX and other basicly proven media and i do not think the entire media world is 'fake news' .

without going here into detail , from what i heared some of his decisions and handling
were a mindblowing fail for usa you cannot believe he really decided so . i might be wrong so i hope for a good discussion to learn more .

i know most users here support trump and i,m fully happy with this .
Really? If the Democrats win that means that the majority of your fellow Americans voted them in. If you truly believe that means that there should be an armed fight against other Americans, then you you are being a hypocrite and you do not believe in the fundamentals of American democracy. I expect you are making a point, but threatening armed action against your fellow Americans is about as un-American as it gets.
You don't understand "American Democracy." The Constitution is specifically designed to prevent majority (mob) rule.
that is more than we get in germany from goverment help and this was fought off for american people by democratic pelosi ?

are you plain crazy to even think voting trump ? vote republican again when a leader like ronald reagan is on top .
Trump is Regan, just a lot less polished.
You don't understand "American Democracy." The Constitution is specifically designed to prevent majority (mob) rule.

The November voting And the electoral college is what I am talking about. Yes I know that it is not a full vote of the people and 50% plus 1 wins. Its more complicated. But it is a series of 50% plus 1 elections that add up to a total. That’s not the point.

If the GOP loses, its all on Trump. Conservative values will have to take a back seat and it will be his fault. Te losers can’t blame the winners of an election for the loss. The Dems lost last time because they did not get enough votes to get a mandate to lead, but approximately half of the US population was on the other side. It was not a landslide. And that other half may be growing..You cannot demonize 1/2 the population and hope to solve anything or build any consensus.
If the GOP loses, its all on Trump.
The issue I have with your statement is that GOP and Trump are not one and the same.

If you look at the bigger picture you can see that the base of the republican party started a "purge" of what we called RINOs (republicans in name only) way back in 2012. The movement was called the Tea Party (taxed enough already - a play on the famous Boston Tea Party) and it started while Obama was in office. I mentioned in my prior post about both parties playing the same game. The tea party was an internal revolt to get more conservative people to run for office in the GOP. Obama used the IRS to prevent them from being able to set up the legal organization structure to operate as a valid "party". It was more of a movement than a party, but the tax code treats them in a similar manner for tax purposes. A woman name Louis Lerner used her position at the IRS (most likely at Obama's direction) to railroad their attempt at forming the organizational structure that they needed to be effective. This prevented that from happening. The RINOs actually liked it, so they didn't do much to stop it. Trump may not be a full blown conservative GOP type President, but more than 80% of his policies overlap with the base, who are willing to live with that. In 2018, republican turnout was very low. There were many retirements, and resignations from the "old" GOP (still about 60-65% there at that point). Many of them left because they saw that the base would not take their crap anymore and would not vote them back in. The party under Paul Ryan (big time RINO) basically did nothing to help find better, more acceptable candidates because they were upset that the T in tea party now stands for Trump. The base was not enthused with the choices they were offered, and they did not turn out. This gave the dems the house of representatives, who were very enthused to stick a finger in Trump's eye.

Fast forward to today. There are still RINOs, but the conservative base has more influence in the party than they did before. Trump has a 95% or higher approval rate with the republican base, The other 5% are those pesky "never Trumpers like Mitt Romney, and John Kaisich. Those folks have no support in the GOP at this point.

But look at the dems. Wow. They are in a pickle whether they know it or not. There have always been far leftists in the party, but they were a smaller group at the opposite end of the political spectrum from tea party. Now, there are a large chunk of regular, non leftists, working man and woman, regular democrat voters that don't support the far left who are still in the democrat party. These people just want to raise their kids, and live a nice life in a nice house in a safe place and be able to enjoy their lives. These people have zero interest in supporting rioting, looting, and protesting everything and anything. Believe it or not, most people do not want these things. The dems need the wacky anarcist votes, as well as the regular folks' votes in order to beat Trump. Regular people are put off by violence and mayhem. The dems can't come out against it because they need the votes from the people doing it. They are literally stuck in the middle. I know several dems who have told me that they will be voting Trump even though they are dems because more of what they see in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, etc. scares the hell out of them. They'll tell me because I am their friend, but if you call them on the phone and ask them, they'll tell you it's Biden all the way because they don't want wacky leftists spray painting their houses or worse. They're gonna vote Trump, or stay home and let other vote Trump just like the repubs did in 2018.

As usual, it comes down to enthusiasm. Who will take the initiative to get out and vote? All the trends show that is currently working in Trumps favor.
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