How do you store your RIB for the winter?

This year we bought a RIB inflatable and a Merc 6 hp. We have loved having it behind our 380. What do you guys do for winter storage. Leave it on the swim platform and let them shrink wrap over it?

That's what I've done for 3 winters. Mine is on Weaver davits. I add enough air to make the tubes rigid for the winter, then through a tarp over the boat + RIB. Actually helps with the support.
We turn it upside down on the platform and cover it with a tarp. I also put moth balls under it to keep the squirrels from making a home.
We put our Mercury RIB back on the trailers and roll it under the bow in storage. It is in heated storage and has a fitted cover that matches the boat.
I put ours on the trailer and then winterize the outboard and wash both the outboard & dinghy and park it inside my heated shop covered up for the winter.
My indoor storage location allows me to keep the dinghy under my boat. So once they get everything shored and blocked I just drag the dinghy in and plop it under the bow. I keep the outboard in my basement.
I keep mine covered on a slide on floating dock and in winter take it home and store in dry barn. 2010 Achilles looks dang near new.
We are excitedly to be adding an Avon dinghy to our boating accessories this year (unfortunately after the season was over). I have winterized The Yamaha 4 Stroke purchased with the deal and the dinghy deflated and is rolled up in our warehouse at the marina. We have a dinghy rack near the loading ramp where it will probably be stored and covered next year.
I put mine (Mercury Hypalon fibreglass bottom RIB) on the bow deck. Air out of the tubes. They work around it when they frame for the shrink wrap. Outboard in the garage.
On a trailer at home on the driveway, shrink wrapped.

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