Looking for Rudder Angle Indicator


I'm headed down to the boat tomorrow night .... I should have a couple pixs posted by Friday.


ASE Master Mechanic
OJ, here you go...I shot some new pictures today that clearly show the mounting bracket and how it attaches to the rudder arm. The attachment to the rudder arm required tapping the head of the bolt for the pivot ball.
Thanks John. Definitely appreciate the photos and the info regarding install. I'll let you know how it turns out. Just came from a 3.5 hour navigational class given by Raymarine at my marina. Very interesting and spoke with the Raymarine Installer at my marina. He will be installing the ST60 for me and I told him about your install. He would like to see the pics too so I am printing them to show him.

Thanks again,

admin said:
The absolute easiest solution is made by Davis Instruments and it is a little dial you adhere to the center of your wheel and as the wheel turns side to side it has dial that shows how far it is turned one way or another. Installation probably takes 2 minutes. If you need more info on either let me know.
I don't think that would work that well with hydraulic steering since your wheel has no mechanical connection to the rudders. So it can have the rudders straight up in many positions depending how much slip you had in the hydraulics when running and steering. :huh:

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