Mac vs. PC

I had verizon, but dumped them because of their nonsense with the bluetooth phones. Now have AT&T and they just work! The computers, Linux, Mac, and windows connect via bluetooth without any problems. Upgrading to HSDPA will give 3G speeds with Bluetooth. I have to upgrade one of these days. The V9 looks OK.

Best regards,
Just bought a MacBook tonight the 160gig 2.5ram.
Any one have? How do you like it?
Love it... and it loves me back...

My shitlist: wingless, jg300da, Mrs. Robinson, Uplate, Bill Kearney...
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I don't think the cd slot was designed for that.
I built this quad core monster with 8Gb of RAM a couple of months ago. I installed Vista Ultimate 32bit and have had no trouble at all. I wish I had an updated pic. The monitors are now wall mounted and I finally have the office furniture.

My house runs strictly Linux. I am running kubuntu on the two desktops I have. I gave up the insanity of separate firewalls, Norton, and who knows what else years ago. No way I would go back to Windows. I do have a firewall by default in the router.

I have been away from home for the last week and have been trying to use my brothers and sisters Windows machines. It is a painful experience, as to me it is a foreign OS, and I suffer from the well known "windows cut and paste is broke" syndrome. And for what I do at home, functionality just is not there using Windows. I do understand that there are some applications people need that have Windows only software. But I will give up the application before I will compromise the OS. For some graphics and mapping stuff I have been doing recently, I don't know of a way it could all be done in Windows.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, and the topic is Windows and Mac. However, the Mac OS is a close cousin to Linux, and both should be familiar to a Unix admin.
I also made the move to macs at home about two years ago. Since then I have upgraded both college kids to macs also. Unfortunately I still had to keep a windoz machine around to log into any web site that used activeX or to run my nav planning software. Not anymore. I have used vmfusionware for about 6 months and it works flawlessly. I can run explorer right from my mac desktop when needed or any other windoz app. Here is the link
I do understand that there are some applications people need that have Windows only software. But I will give up the application before I will compromise the OS..

That's backwards. The use case drives the selection of applications, operating system, and hardware. On the other hand, when IT departments get all religious about their selection of "standards" which inevitably causes havoc to break-out, it's good for those of us in the consulting business.

Best regards,
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Just got Verizon wireless for my new MacBook. Anyone else have this service, how do you like it? I'm on a 30 day free trial.
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Funny... I used to work for the State of Florida and they implemented a new human resource system that was designed for Windows only... if you tried to log in on a Mac and didn't use Internet Explorer, it would not work or come up all defunktified... Funny thing was that most folks who complained about it locking mac and (not safari, but some other browser) all they would have to do is tell it to broadcast that it was Internet Explorer and it would work without issue... gotta love companies that just don't want the hassle of supporting other operating systems.
So far it seem ok, but this is one of the only sites I've been on.
All PC's and not liking it. Office is Autocad, so not much choice there. I have preferred PC's at home, but the experience is getting worse with time. Vista feels like change for change's sake, with the added benefit of required hardware upgrades.
How about the Sinclair you had to build yourself. That was my 1st. The Tandy with its 8" diskette drives was the top back then.

heh..that made me think about my first, so I dug around in the storage and I took out my old 'portable' (which I believe weighs in at about 35lbs) Osborne model with the 5" monitor and 8" floppies and it boots up great still. (now if I could only remember those DOS commands...)

Guess I'm not 'geeky' enough but other than sorta slow boot up times, I've not had issues with Dell or the new Vista ultimate.

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