Obummer Boat Policy

I am currently traveling for work in France. In France the Gov Boat policy is mandated. However, since the gov sanctioned boats and bodies of water which they are allowed on have been deemed inferior in the eyes of those who have the means to seek other options. An entirely new boating industry has sprouted up that is completely privately funded. For example you may have to wait 6-12 months to get on a gov owned body of water but if you take your privately purchased boat to a private body of water there is no wait. The ramp is beautiful and open to only those that can afford it through private boat exchanges or cash pay per visit to the private lake.
LIfer, that sounds a lot like what boating "used to be" in the good ol' USA before the ABA ruined things for us.
To bad the satire was lost on some. I served 21 yrs. so I guess I have the right to speak: I don't want or need a new boat, slip, marina, body of water, etc. and I don't want to pay for someone else's. Please note join date and thread count. This ABA is a bowel movement and will bankrupt the dealership.

Dwain Pannell
US Army Aviation '81-'02

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Remember Pelosi's comment about "We have to pass it so we can see what's in it?"

There's only two things I can think of that comment would apply to....Obamacare and a stool sample. Both are kind of equal in my opinion.
Good news to all boat owners. The enacted boat ownership law has been circumvented by the boss over the ABA. The boss made a rambling, hard to follow announcement stating something to the effect if you liked your boat you could keep it and if you liked where and how you exercised your boating lifestyle why you could keep that to. It was refreshing to see a boss live up to his statements of " If you like your boat you can keep it. If you like your boating lifestyle well, you can keep that too." There was some statement inserted that your likes would only be tolerated for one year tho, but who pays attention to minor details and legal speak. So, hey its boating as usual next year. [Singing in the background of this post the song "Happy Days Are Here Again"]
Adding insult to injury...better hope the new boat doesn't breakdown. Gonna take a long time to fix and mechanics are gonna be in short supply.......
Because they will all be boating?

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