Oh boy....ebay 330 with a "new" generator.

While we do not "scrub" the bottom we do get in the water and scrub the sides of our boats that sit in the river.. I happen to like that nice clean white line between my bottom paint and my stripes.. gives the boat the "I give a crap about my boat look"
That thing is a little scary. My seat cushions look better than that and I'm looking to have the redone!
What does that cost you?

Costs us $51 per month, they charge by the foot and charges vary by area. If he replaces the zincs (not made of silly putty... :grin:) it costs about another $30. I really like the report he emails each month with the state of the hull and what he found when he was down there (rather him than me doing it...scary down there.....face to face with a big Manatee...god job they are veggies:) Our diver's a great guy and he only has one leg....he swims a bit like a Mermaid:)
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I can't imagine it is in any better shape structurally or mechanically than it appears cosmetically. But I so, at that price it's probably a good deal. I bet a professional can bring back the fiberglass gloss and hell all new seats might only cost you a few grand. But I'd bet the mechanicals were just as neglected and I bet small things breaking or seals giving out caused more problems under the skin. I'd never touch it. But I'm not into project boats. Heck I feel like my pretty new boat is a project boat just maintaining it!
It looks like it sold for $24,600 assuming that the deal goes through. I can't imagine gene would have let it go for so little, I bet he weasels out of the deal. But assuming it did sell for that much, what do you GUYS think, good deal or not?

Suspect some of us "GALS" might think that it may be a good deal for some guy or gal who's handy. I forget who it is on CSR but his girlfiend does their boat maintenance :) Suspect a lot of it may be superficial clean-up stuff.
Why do I think this might be a scam of some sort. Being bought and sold by people with very little eBay history. And this last _fast_ sale for less than the purchase really raises a red-flag. Something is very fishy.
Give the guy a little credit, the genny isn't on the swim platform...
What makes this even more interesting is if you look at his feedback.

He received feedback for a purchase on May 17th from a user "xmelok" the item was, you guessed it a 1995 330DA


Unfortunately, scams abound on eBay we know of two or three folk who bought boats "sight unseen" expecting everything to be okay and had nasty shocks on delivery. The CSR thread below shows a 370 bought on eBay and after the boat delivery date to the UK we never heard from the buyer again.....do hope I am wrong and it was alright. IMHO you really can't buy a boat without an inspection and survey......


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