Pink Antifreeze

Up here in Ontario I bough rv and home pluming anti-freeze
On the container it quotes "flammable"
Soooo I though I would see how flammable it was.
Poured some on the cement and lit it - or tried to - wouldn't catch fire
I will heat some up tomorrow...
mean while - can you guys let me know if the merc and other brands are labeled flammable?
Ok, I just read this thread from start to finish for information on the pink I just bought from WalMart and I think I am more confused then I was before. I read a lot of back and forth on the WM stuff. If I understand this correctly it seems like its not ideal for winterizing the engine as well as water tank/toilet etc but it wont cause any problems regarding freezing. I forgot who it was but someone on the thread said they werent worried about it being any worse than the salt water flowing through out engines.

Is this an accurrate conclusion and should I be ok to use this to winterize my engine?
Ok, I just read this thread from start to finish for information on the pink I just bought from WalMart and I think I am more confused then I was before. I read a lot of back and forth on the WM stuff. If I understand this correctly it seems like its not ideal for winterizing the engine as well as water tank/toilet etc but it wont cause any problems regarding freezing. I forgot who it was but someone on the thread said they werent worried about it being any worse than the salt water flowing through out engines.

Is this an accurrate conclusion and should I be ok to use this to winterize my engine?

If the stuff you bought is the PG stuff, then you're totally fine. If it's something else - yes, it won't freeze, but you'd have the corrosion problems (some types can cause more corrosion than water). How much corrosion would happen in 4 or 5 months... I can't say. But it's not something I want to gamble with for my own boat for a few bucks.
Stuff for the fresh water systems (sinks, vacuuflush, etc) can be any pink out there. Propylene Glycol or ethyl alcohol - either prevents freezing. The grey area is when you are running the stuff through your engines. Either will prevent freezing and bursting. The Ethyl alcohol stuff may be corrosive to the castings inside the engine. So the consensus is to avoid Ethyl for engines. The counter point to that is that it may be acceptable to use the ethyl stuff for engines with closed cooling, since it's regular antifreeze (the stuff that kills dogs) that runs through the innards of the engines. The pink will really only hit heat exchangers, exhaust elbows and hoses on the raw water side.

Does that make it any more unclear!? ;-)
If the stuff you bought is the PG stuff, then you're totally fine. If it's something else - yes, it won't freeze, but you'd have the corrosion problems (some types can cause more corrosion than water). How much corrosion would happen in 4 or 5 months... I can't say. But it's not something I want to gamble with for my own boat for a few bucks.

This is exactly what I bought. Says corrosion protection but is that 100% accurate?
That's what I bought too. I think the boats will live.
Look at your bottle for the ingredients.

From the description on the website:

  • For potable water plumbing systems in RVs, boats, pools and vacation homes
That would lead me to believe that it's alcohol based. "Corrosion" protection is a generic term and does not necessarily mean corrosion protection for engines.

Again, how much corrosion will happen in the span of 4 or 5 months, I don't know. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't want to be the guinea pig. This is also going to be a "cumulative effect" thing - meaning, the older an engine is, the more of an effect the corrosion will have on it, so to say.
OK, here's the label. Obviously says "FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS." Also says "COMPATIBLE WITH ALL METAL AND PLASTIC COMPONENTS." Ingredient #1 is Ethyl Alcohol, #2 is Propylene Glycol.

I've always used Camco or the WM's variant. This is my first year with this stuff. By the time all the controversy in this thread started, my boat was pinked, covered and forgotten. Knowing what I now know, I'll go back to the 100% PG cherry juice next fall but the Super Tech will just have to do this winter. There's good old yellow Prestone ethylene glycol running through the innards of the 3 motors, with this stuff only in the periphery.



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