PSA: Recognizing a Heart Attack

I made my appointment for my stress test back in Feb and finally completed it today!
The technologist came out after the scanning was done and preliminarily reviewed for quality and told me to go home and absolutely do no exercise and call my Doc ASAP!
I went back to work and left a message for the Doc to call me and then looked up my test results. One thing I appreciate about Kaiser is how fast they update the records and make available for the patient to review. The stress study showed medium size, mild perfusion defect of the inferior wall. (Extent 11%, sum stress score 7) The rest study showed almost complete reversibility of these perfusion defects (extent 2%, sum rest score 2).

Gated stress study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 121 mL
TID absent
LV WALL MOTION: Mild hypokinesis of the inferior wall extending to apex.

Gated Rest study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 117 mL
LV WALL MOTION: No focal abnormalities of wall motion or abnormal thickening.

After 7 minutes on the tread mill my pulse went from 49BPM and BP 155/80 to 141 BPM and BP 202/101 with mild to severe upper chest pain at the peak of the test. Pain subsided as soon as the treadmill was shut off and I took a seat.

Obviously something is not right, will wait patiently for the Doc to call.

I took my new E bike out for a 5 mile ride last night and felt some discomfort in my chest and was glad that I was finally getting the test done today. I hope I just need to get back in the gym and get more exercise to regain some better cardiac health and function.
Carpe Diem
Not good….get that shit fixed
I made my appointment for my stress test back in Feb and finally completed it today!
The technologist came out after the scanning was done and preliminarily reviewed for quality and told me to go home and absolutely do no exercise and call my Doc ASAP!
I went back to work and left a message for the Doc to call me and then looked up my test results. One thing I appreciate about Kaiser is how fast they update the records and make available for the patient to review. The stress study showed medium size, mild perfusion defect of the inferior wall. (Extent 11%, sum stress score 7) The rest study showed almost complete reversibility of these perfusion defects (extent 2%, sum rest score 2).

Gated stress study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 121 mL
TID absent
LV WALL MOTION: Mild hypokinesis of the inferior wall extending to apex.

Gated Rest study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 117 mL
LV WALL MOTION: No focal abnormalities of wall motion or abnormal thickening.

After 7 minutes on the tread mill my pulse went from 49BPM and BP 155/80 to 141 BPM and BP 202/101 with mild to severe upper chest pain at the peak of the test. Pain subsided as soon as the treadmill was shut off and I took a seat.

Obviously something is not right, will wait patiently for the Doc to call.

I took my new E bike out for a 5 mile ride last night and felt some discomfort in my chest and was glad that I was finally getting the test done today. I hope I just need to get back in the gym and get more exercise to regain some better cardiac health and function.
Carpe Diem
Thanks for sharing. Hope like you say you just need to get more exercise and everything is OK!
What’s killing us now is PAPA JOHN has this deal. If the Capitals, Nationals, or Orioles score 5 goals/runs it’s 50% off pizza next day. one of them is rocking it every day.
We been eating pizza 3-4 nights a week. A loaded large for $9 hard to pass up. Killing my diet plans.
I had a pizza delivered to the boat last night…. Just something about boats and pizza and a cold beer….
And back to thread, had a heart in 2010, mild they said, eat my pills, just had my lab work this month. All numbers are excellent.
Doc said, 2 kinds of heart attacks. A mild that you live thru, eat your pills, change lifestyle. Or a big one that comes on sudden and takes you out.
I had the first, I hope y’all do.
And QUIT SMOKING! Please. Nothing good comes from it and if you think it won’t happen to you well you’re in denial.
Then comes cancer if you ignored the heart attack warning signs. If you think you can’t quit, oh it’s so hard. Spend a month in hospital with a tracheotomy in your throat to breathe, a feeding tube down your nose to eat, and 2 years learning how to talk after they cut your tongue out and replace it with a muscle from your arm. Then a month of radiation that destroys your vision, sense of taste, makes you drool like a St Bernard when you talk.
Been there, done that. So tell me again it’s hard to quit so I can come there and bitch slap you for a reality check! Fkn serious guys.
Ya, wow, just wow. Don’t be like me.
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I made my appointment for my stress test back in Feb and finally completed it today!
The technologist came out after the scanning was done and preliminarily reviewed for quality and told me to go home and absolutely do no exercise and call my Doc ASAP!
I went back to work and left a message for the Doc to call me and then looked up my test results. One thing I appreciate about Kaiser is how fast they update the records and make available for the patient to review. The stress study showed medium size, mild perfusion defect of the inferior wall. (Extent 11%, sum stress score 7) The rest study showed almost complete reversibility of these perfusion defects (extent 2%, sum rest score 2).

Gated stress study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 121 mL
TID absent
LV WALL MOTION: Mild hypokinesis of the inferior wall extending to apex.

Gated Rest study:
LV CHAMBER SIZE: Normal, calculated EDV = 117 mL
LV WALL MOTION: No focal abnormalities of wall motion or abnormal thickening.

After 7 minutes on the tread mill my pulse went from 49BPM and BP 155/80 to 141 BPM and BP 202/101 with mild to severe upper chest pain at the peak of the test. Pain subsided as soon as the treadmill was shut off and I took a seat.

Obviously something is not right, will wait patiently for the Doc to call.

I took my new E bike out for a 5 mile ride last night and felt some discomfort in my chest and was glad that I was finally getting the test done today. I hope I just need to get back in the gym and get more exercise to regain some better cardiac health and function.
Carpe Diem

YO!!!!!! Do not go for a bike ride, do not go for a brisk walk, do not run, jog etc. Find a great Interventional Cardiologist who will do the heart cath to you. Call tomorrow AM!! Chest discomfort and abnormal stress test should bump you to the front of the line. As in Monday/Tuesday of next week.

The blood supply to inferior portion of the heart is provided by the right coronary artery (RCA). Reversible defect is a good thing, fixed defect is a bad thing.

Sounds like you have a moderate to severe blockage of your RCA, although it could also be the circumflex artery, all depends on your individual anatomy.

Mild hyperkinesis means the wall motion is not quite normal. Make a fist, squeeze all fingers equally....that normal function. Now squeeze again but don't squeeze your middle and ring finger. See how everything still squeezes but the 2 fingers don't move quite as much.....thats what your heart is doing. Inferior portion of your heart muscle is supplied by blood from your RCA, when your RCA has a blockage the muscle doesn't squeeze fully in the area provided by a specific artery.

Long story short. Abnormal stress test with mild hypokinesis of inferior wall with near full reversible defect.

Sounds to me like a mid to distal RCA blockage. Go find a good interventional cardiologist. More than likely they will go through your wrist and you'll be home by dinner time.
If you think you can’t quit, oh it’s so hard. Spend a month in hospital with a tracheotomy in your throat to breathe, a feeding tube down your nose to eat, and 2 years learning how to talk after they cut your tongue out and replace it with a muscle from your arm.
Been there, done that. So tell me again it’s hard to quit so I can come there and bitch slap you for a reality check! Fkn serious guys.
Damn exsmokers …. You are an angry bunch
To each his own…. I gave up giving the middle finger to the Phuck ups at 4 way stops….. I think we need to love everyone despite their faults :rolleyes:
My wife’s good friend from high school she boats….. smokes like it’s her job… I call her “cancer” now…. She gets so mad
Good buddy of mine is a firefighter and EMT, mid-40s. He's been on dozens of heart attack calls. He knows all the signs and symptoms. Yet when it happened to him, he says he realized it eventually but not right away :eek:
Good buddy of mine is a firefighter and EMT, mid-40s. He's been on dozens of heart attack calls. He knows all the signs and symptoms. Yet when it happened to him, he says he realized it eventually but not right away :eek:

Average time from chest pain till the person goes to the hospital is 2hrs. Not talking minor discomfort but rather chest pain. So even though gold standard is from ED to cath lab and first balloon inflation is under 90 min (door to balloon time), you have to remember the patient is at least 2hrs already into their symptoms.

Those that wait too long generally suffer from irreversible heart damage which down the road leads to heart failure, etc. And then there are those that don't even make it. Yeah, fun stuff.
I think most of you know my mom's story, she was in the hospital recovering from emergency ankle surgery when she had a heart attack. Took a couple hours of convincing the nurse before they believed her, finally hooked her up to an EKG and she was having a heart attack right there. The widowmaker, triple bypass the next day.
YO!!!!!! Do not go for a bike ride, do not go for a brisk walk, do not run, jog etc. Find a great Interventional Cardiologist who will do the heart cath to you. Call tomorrow AM!! Chest discomfort and abnormal stress test should bump you to the front of the line. As in Monday/Tuesday of next week.

The blood supply to inferior portion of the heart is provided by the right coronary artery (RCA). Reversible defect is a good thing, fixed defect is a bad thing.

Sounds like you have a moderate to severe blockage of your RCA, although it could also be the circumflex artery, all depends on your individual anatomy.

Mild hyperkinesis means the wall motion is not quite normal. Make a fist, squeeze all fingers equally....that normal function. Now squeeze again but don't squeeze your middle and ring finger. See how everything still squeezes but the 2 fingers don't move quite as much.....thats what your heart is doing. Inferior portion of your heart muscle is supplied by blood from your RCA, when your RCA has a blockage the muscle doesn't squeeze fully in the area provided by a specific artery.

Long story short. Abnormal stress test with mild hypokinesis of inferior wall with near full reversible defect.

Sounds to me like a mid to distal RCA blockage. Go find a good interventional cardiologist. More than likely they will go through your wrist and you'll be home by dinner time.
I will be on the horn in the AM with cardiology since they did not get back to me today. If I don't get a satisfactory response I'll go to the cardiology department clutching at my chest and drop to the floor and roll around and see if that gets their attention. :mad: Thank You for the layman's explanation as to what the test results mean. I really expected a more urgent response from the hospital since the tech told me to call the doc right away and not do any exercise.
The in-laws are coming over to the ranch and the boat this weekend so I had some lawn care and boat washing to do, I guess I will take it down a notch or two.
Carpe Diem
I will be on the horn in the AM with cardiology since they did not get back to me today. If I don't get a satisfactory response I'll go to the cardiology department clutching at my chest and drop to the floor and roll around and see if that gets their attention. :mad: Thank You for the layman's explanation as to what the test results mean. I really expected a more urgent response from the hospital since the tech told me to call the doc right away and not do any exercise.
The in-laws are coming over to the ranch and the boat this weekend so I had some lawn care and boat washing to do, I guess I will take it down a notch or two.
Carpe Diem
Carry a few Aspirin 81mg in your pocket just in case. If things don't feel right, chew them and call 911. Worst case it will be a false alarm and you may get a bit of stomach irritation.
My PSA numbers continue to climb, the doc is getting a bit more concerned and has scheduled more tests.
My PSA numbers continue to climb, the doc is getting a bit more concerned and has scheduled more tests.
Different PSA Treado_O. Hope every thing works out. Many of us have been blessed to do well in life and then when it is time to slow down and smell the roses and reap the benefits of the wise life styles we have chosen, we get to navigate heart and prostate problems. Thank God for the miracle of modern western medicine, if we are proactive and seek the right care it is good to know that most of our health issues can be mitigated for a while anyway.
My PSA numbers continue to climb, the doc is getting a bit more concerned and has scheduled more tests.
I went down that road in 2013. If you choose surgery the best robotic surgeon in the world is Dr Patel. He is in Orlando. He did my surgery. I rented a condo across the street from the hospital to recover.
I have a few friends that didn’t listen to me and had local hacks in Indy butcher them….. don’t be those guys
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Damn exsmokers …. You are an angry bunch
To each his own…. I gave up giving the middle finger to the Phuck ups at 4 way stops….. I think we need to love everyone despite their faults :rolleyes:

Even Tom ??????

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