Question about dry rack / dry stack storage

I love my dry storage in Savannah. They keep the boat in "The Barn" and everything is ready to go when I get there. I call on the way in and the boat is in the water when I get there everytime. We have washdown racks outside for when you return.
I have a routine that I follow pretty much everytime that I come off plane. I automatically lower the drive and raise the tabs. I don't even think about it anymore, it has just become a natural part of the process when I chop the throttle.

So far I haven't left them down at the end of the day. If I have, the marina hasn't said anything about it to me.

I was down there Sunday afternoon. After I got in, I buttoned up the boat and headed to the parking lot. As I got in the car I saw my boat being placed on the top level of the rack. I got to thinking about how nice it felt knowing that NO ONE could get to my boat while I was away even if they wanted to. There simply isn't any way to get up there to touch it. Even if you managed to climb up onto the racks, the part of the boat that you could get to is too high to climb over to get on board. I really like the peace of mind that comes with knowing that as I pull away.


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