radome replacement 98 310da


New Member
Jan 7, 2008
I am in the process of replacing the raytheon electronics package with a new raymarine systems. I have ran into a problem getting the new radome cable around the radar arch. Attached the new cable to the old raytheon cable and it will not move one its in the turn, tried wire snake and many other solutions with no luck
any ideas would be appreicated ????

Thanks Tom:huh:
Pulling the new cable by attaching it to the old and hauling on the old one will only frustrate you and possibly damage the connector on the cables when they get caught. You need to open all of the access plate and feed the cable a little at a time from one section to the next. I've done it -- twice. It's not a big deal, but it does require more time than one might have otherwise planned.

Best regards,
Frank is correct. That old cable may be secured in several locations. Even if it is not, with all the twists and turns, there is just too much resistance. Look for access and you will find it. Be prepared to do some minor disassembly.

I have run what seems like miles of cable and wire. It can be quite time consuming, but the process is simple.

Also, a wire snake can be helpful. However, be cautious and only pull on the new cable very gently.
Did you guys notice the date on the original post? I sure hate to think of the grey beard he must have after being on hold since feb. Too bad it seems that his plea wasn't answered, I'm sure he has either figured it out by now or given up.

Oh crap

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