RIP Rush Limbaugh

Rush- was taught ya don’t speak bad about the dead. It’s really not nice no matter what anyone thought of the guy. He had cancer. As a cancer survivor so far even I won’t speak bad about the man, I sure his last days were in agony. Shit hurts.
Thank God the hate monger is Dead.
You clearly need to do a tiny bit of research on Rush ....Wikipedia might be a good start for you...start with “a bit of compassion” first

let me help with the definition:
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
His vision and shoes will be hard to fill. RIP Rush
RIP Rush, as someone who has spent most of their career in a company car I had the opportunity to listen to Rush quite a bit over his over 30 years on the radio. He was a voice of reason who tried to teach us to look for the real truth. The one big take away was that he supported charities during his entire career. The last one of note was he helped raise 5 million dollars for tunnels to towers. You can say what you want but the man had a heart.
From my collection:
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