You check your oil, have you checked your PSA lately?

Well Happy St. Patrick;s Day to all of you real and honorary Irishmen.

Yesterday I was feeling pretty good so later in the afternoon we joined some neighbors around their fire pit. I didn't drink anything but several bottles of wine were consumed, lots of jokes and stories told and everyone was having a great time. One unusual thing about our neighborhood is that generally, fences are not allowed. That has allowed us to meet and get to know all the neighbors around us quite well. And this is a bunch that likes to socialize.

So we sat around until about 7:30 swapping lies and enjoying lots of laughter. It started to get cold as the sun went down and I didn't realize how chilled I had gotten. By the time we walked home I was shivering. We ate dinner and I went upstairs and sat in the sauna (~120*) for about 20 minutes until I was thoroughly warmed up. I came downstairs and was going to read awhile but decided to head right to bed....about 8:00.

I was exhausted and didn't stir until about 3:00 when I rolled over, then got up to drain the radiator about 5:30, then slept solidly until 8:00 when Sailor let me know it was time to go for our morning walk.

I feel great this morning, about 100% but only have a couple of things to do so will take it easy. I taught myself a lesson and won't forget it. Until the next time.

I have to head out to a doc's appt but will tell you later what we planned last night while sitting around the fire pit.

Top' o' the day to ye all..
Well Happy St. Patrick;s Day to all of you real and honorary Irishmen.

Yesterday I was feeling pretty good so later in the afternoon we joined some neighbors around their fire pit. I didn't drink anything but several bottles of wine were consumed, lots of jokes and stories told and everyone was having a great time. One unusual thing about our neighborhood is that generally, fences are not allowed. That has allowed us to meet and get to know all the neighbors around us quite well. And this is a bunch that likes to socialize..

We are lucky enough to have a no fence rule in the neighborhood..... There is just something about a fire in the backyard with friends and family... Good to hear...


The neighborhood gathering around the fire pit a couple of nights ago was fun. While we were talking about the surreal living conditions we're going through with the virus and all the curtailments to our freedoms. Nobody was griping about what has been happening, but rather how fortunate we all are to be where we are.

We're all retired so we don't have to travel. One of the couples just returned a month ago from a month long trip through South America and returned safely with no virus symptoms. We live in a fairly secluded neighborhood where there is almost zero vehicle traffic except for those who live here.

The conversation then turned to how grateful we are to be at this position in our lives and how much we have to be thankful for, especially in these turbulent times. That then turned into the notion that we should have a Thanksgiving dinner to celebrate our good fortune. So, next Thursday we're going to do exactly that. A Thanksgiving dinner for about 20 or so of our closest friends. One couple is buying the turkey, we're doing the stuffing, others are bringing cranberry dishes, salads, potatoes, etc. It's going to be a very informal, outdoor event and should be a good time to reflect on our good fortune.

More to follow.
BTW GFC, I'm pulling for you. You're doing great!

Now back to the fire-pit.
I'm too lazy to go back through these posts and check but I think I mentioned earlier how humbling this experience has been for me. I'm usually the one stepping up and helping others out, not the one being helped.

Tonight some good friends from the yacht club brought us a complete BBQ dinner including chicken, brisket, beans, 2 other sides and sauces. All from one of the restaurants that specializes in BBQ.

I am again humbled. Thanks, Mike and Kerry.
Minor change in status-->My hair seems to feel it's time to leave my head. Tina noticed yesterday afternoon there were a few of my hairs on my blue sweatshirt. I ran my hand through my hair and pulled out a bunch. Combed it this morning and it looked like I'd combed a shaggy dog. Crap.
You have hair?..I don't ….life is better without it....especially on a windy day....and when you get up in the morning.... be positive
Minor change in status-->My hair seems to feel it's time to leave my head. Tina noticed yesterday afternoon there were a few of my hairs on my blue sweatshirt. I ran my hand through my hair and pulled out a bunch. Combed it this morning and it looked like I'd combed a shaggy dog. Crap.

Shave it down to the wood! Will make you look younger.
Keep up the fight GFC, we're all pulling for a speedy recovery for you!!!
Mike, with the exception of you being on the west coast and me on the east, I'm right there with you. Maybe a few steps behind but right there.

I have no symptoms at all. I'm worried and a bit scared. Chemo at this time is part of the conversation but more tests are due first. VA has canceled all non emergency or life threatening surgery till this bug is under control.

I guess if I can survive my left side heart attack and all the fun that went with that, I can make it thru this. Good luck to you, keep us informed please
You have hair?..I don't ….life is better without it....especially on a windy day....and when you get up in the morning.... be positive
U have a good point Craig, unless you have a watermelon head like mine!!!o_O
Of all the threads I’ve started on here this is by far the most difficult I’ve written. The reason? I have prostate cancer. Well, actually I have Metastasized Prostate Cancer.

About 2 months ago a long time friend of mine that I’ve met for coffee every Thursday for the past 25 or so years told me he had prostate cancer and was going to have his prostate removed. I’m 73 and he’s several years younger than I am. He asked me when the last time I had my PSA checked and I couldn’t honestly tell him.

A quick call to my local VA medical center disclosed that I had my last PSA test done when I was 70. I asked them why they didn’t do it every year when I had my physical done and they hid behind the recommendation of the CDC that says something about not doing them for men over 70. I asked them why and they said they didn’t know, that’s just what the CDC recommends.

Quite frankly, I feel like they let me down. I assumed (Yeah, I know…) they did that every year as part of my blood work. Had they told me they didn’t routinely screen for PSA after a certain age I’d have requested the test be done.

So, I had blood drawn and had a PSA test done and the results were sky high. High enough that they rushed through an approval for the VA to pick up the tab for me to see a urologist. I did, they did another PSA test and confirmed the reading and scheduled me for a CT Scan and MRI so they could determine the extent of the spread of the cancer cells.

So now that we know the cancer cells have spread throughout my body, attaching itself to bones at several locations in this otherwise perfect male specimen, they scheduled me to see an Oncologist.

So here I sit, writing this thread which took several beers before I could bring myself to do it. I’m facing 6 months of chemo treatments, one every 3 weeks. Nobody is predicting this is going to end my life early, in fact the only thing they are predicting at this point is that at the end of the 6 months they’ll reassess how things are going and likely put me on another type of treatment.

The odd thing is that I have ZERO symptoms. No pain, no joint stiffness, nothing. I’m sure after I start the chemo I’ll go through the usual nausea, maybe some vomiting, possible hair loss, but nobody can even say that with any certainty.

The chemo drug(s) are a type of poison designed to kill the cancer cells. That’s the good thing. The bad thing is it’s still a poison and it may wreak havoc on me.

One thing is for certain: I am NOT going to let this kick my butt either mentally or physically. I look at this as a speed bump. I’m going to get over it then get my life back up to speed. There’s just too damn many things I have yet to accomplish in my life.

So, back to the question I posed in the title: When was the last time you had your PSA tested? Don’t let them tell you that because you’ve reached a certain age you don’t need your PSA tested. Bull crap. Get it done. Get it done this spring, and preferably before the next time you check the oil in your boat.

I didn’t write this thread looking for sympathy. That’s now how I roll. I wrote it with the hopes that some of you old farts out there who don’t know when you last had it tested will get your butt in gear and go see your doctor.

Smooth waters, light winds and fair skies.
Prayers for a speedy recovery! I have my PSA checked every year without fail!
Minor change in status-->My hair seems to feel it's time to leave my head. Tina noticed yesterday afternoon there were a few of my hairs on my blue sweatshirt. I ran my hand through my hair and pulled out a bunch. Combed it this morning and it looked like I'd combed a shaggy dog. Crap.

Like this?

Yeah, sort of. But I can reach up to anywhere on my scalp, pinch a bit of hair and just simply remove it without feeling any pain or pressure.

Saturday we're having a head shaving party. If I'm not too damned unhappy with the end result I may post a photo.
Well today was the grand unveiling of my scalp to the world. My hair had decided to take leave of my scalp and I was shedding like a crazy ol' shaggy dog. Even our Roomba couldn't keep up with it.

So we decided the only way to deal with it was to shave my head. We organized a neighborhood gathering (keeping in mind our social distancing) for the party. About 20 neighbors showed up and brought their lawn chairs and whatever they wanted to drink.

We were going to do it at high noon but we changed to 4:00 p.m. because noon was too chilly and also too early to be doing shots. So here's what I looked like before the process began...

and after all was said and done and a few shots of Patrol were consumed, this is what the end result looks like....

The neighbors were great. The brought several new hats for me including one from the Oh Boy, Oberto hydroplane that one of the neighbors works on the pit crew for, a Trump hat which Tina promptly said she could use for toilet paper if we ran out, and several others.

They also brought a collection of hand made signs....



and a few others.

What a great collection of friends/neighbors we have.

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