Cheesehead and Hoosier Legislators...Get out of Illinois!

Certainly we folks here in the sad State of Illinois have our share of political shame to bear with a former governor making license plates, Blago (Ron Blagoavich) blathering all over the media, and yes, now Rahm the Ripper the newly elected Mayor of Chicago. But having Wisconsin and Indiana legislators hiding their sorry asses in our State to avoid facing the political music is unquestionably a new political low. It would be nice for a change if they would reflect for even a millisecond that they work for the taxpayers in WI and IN not the people/organizations that contributed heavily to their election/re-election. Maybe I'll write to the Governor today and suggest he offer a bounty on legislators from neighboring states seeking political asylum here.:smt009:smt009
I can't speak for Indiana but in regards to the wandering WI legislators, those are a gift to IL, keep them.
I can't speak for Indiana but in regards to the wandering WI legislators, those are a gift to IL, keep them.

I am sure we can regift them back to WI for Easter! We have our own set of mediocre legislators.:smt021
Think of them as spares to use whenever one of yours has to serve time.:lol:

Wait just a minute! How about we send Blago to WI under free agency for your Democraps and a future draft choice! It's only fair since you guys are violating federal law by shipping toxic waste over state lines!:huh:
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Wait just a minute! How about we send Blago to WI under free agency for your Democraps and a future draft choice! It's only fair since you guys are violating federal law by shipping toxic waste over state lines!:huh:
Only way we'd take Blago would be if you kept his hair.:smt043
All this clammering and waiving the union flag and I have yet see or hear of anyone asking the head of the teachers union how they like their overall WI ranking in education nationally? Or the national guys if they are happy with where the US ranks in comparison to other countries (say Europe) in education.

How come the answer is always more money and not fire the cruddy teachers and replace them with better teachers? I think because of the union and this is why I like living in a right to work state.
I never needed anyone to get me a job,keep the job for me , tell the owner how much to pay me ,tell me when I wasn't being treated fair,or stand up for me.I was taught to stand on my own 10 toes. That's when I worked Union or Non-Union. As a owner I all ways told my employees" I will treat you as good as you will let me". It worked well for some, and others it didn't work so well. To bad! they thought they were the owner of my company and 9 times out of 10 those were the guys that floated from shop to shop ,year after year,After a few years no one would hire them,they had been to every shop around,screwing up jobs,and complaining all the time .. If you don't know it,let me tell you, one person like that can screw up a whole company. How would you like to have a union tell you "You cant fire him.That's the kind of a guy that will give even a union a bad name..There are plenty of them out there ,you will see them warming the "Bench" at the hall I am NOT willing to pay some one more than I make ! and that is where we are at now in this country Work twenty years ,pay in 60,000 then draw 70.000 for the rest of your life that is BS in it's purest form...Let's get back to boating...RIP
Great work here guys. :smt038 Public unions are a way to steal taxpayer money. :smt021

Gary good to see you post, Woody you are funny. :smt043

...But, are the union thugs worse than oil speculators? :grin:
Im back from work, was looking to post some more thought on the subject but after reading pms and per the moderators rule of no politics I will not reply to this thread so that I dont break any rules. Allthough we had some good discussion rules are rules. Thanks to all that contributed

Bring on the spring thaw
Wow. 6 pages in a day. Impressive.

Not much to add or detract at the moment.
The way I see this shaking out is the Governor of WI is going to be forced to lay off hundreds (if not a few thousand) WI workers. Those of you who keep your jobs will be OK, but those who got laid off because the Democrats left the state to avoid having to negotiate with Republicans, are going to be hurting.

Then what's going to happen is the Governor will realize that the state can get along just fine without all those workers, and he'll start trimming more jobs.

But it will all be worthwhile because those WI senators who are camped out in IL will save face. They won't have had to negotiate, won't have been a part of losing collective bargaining, and it won't have cost THEM any money. They're still getting paid.

Screw the poor working stiffs who lost their jobs through all this. As long as the senators don't suffer any losses, what's the problem?
My wife and I worked for IBM for 17 years before we just couldn't take the BS anymore. She was working with a China team who expected her to work on their hours - meanwhile working for a US team who expected her to be online during our normal hours. I was working for a crazy team who expected 70-80 hours a week to get projects out on unrealistic schedules. No one was looking out for us - we made our own decisions, we made our own retirement contributions and ultimately decided the corporate life was not for us.

Being self employed is significantly different and has us working a ton of hours but it is for ourselves. My brother in law is an admitted socialist who thinks everyone should make the same, have the same and life in never ending nirvana.... what crap. People make choices - if they decide to go into teaching or some of the other public sector jobs - it isn't to be wealthy. If you don't like your current position in life - do something about it. It's not easy - nothing worth having ever is!

I sure hope these missing Dems in hiding can be held accountable somehow for their actions. No one on the Dem side certainly was complaining about the lack of process discipline when Obamacare was shoved down the taxpayers throats!
The way I see this shaking out is the Governor of WI is going to be forced to lay off hundreds (if not a few thousand) WI workers. Those of you who keep your jobs will be OK, but those who got laid off because the Democrats left the state to avoid having to negotiate with Republicans, are going to be hurting.

I wonder how "forced" the governor actually is.

It's not like the unions have been unwilling to negotiate wages and benifits has it? Is legislation required to negotiate a union contract? I suspect not.

My impression is that the Governor wants to act UNILATERALY, which requires a change in law. The "being forced to impose layoffs", I believe, is coming about because the Governor doesn't have the authority to unilaterally change compensation and he won't agree to bilateral discussion.

Am I incorrect in this assessment?

Zipping up flame suit now. . . .
^=== I agree with tdappleman. If you doing white collar work and not in business for yourself, you are hosed. Never mind union vs. non-union; the current requirement is that you are expected to train your overseas replacements, who make a fraction of what a starting college graduate will accept. This is not just "IT support" but actual detailed engineering of everything from toasters to refineries.

In terms of manufacturing, there is talk that China is starting to become "too expensive" relative to other lower price markets. We have been looking to build industrial equipment in Vietnam and Thailand and ship it to where it needs to go (Europe, US, or China)

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