2003 320 Sundancer $78,500.00

Nice boat and certainly priced to sell.

I'm 49 and we just bought our 2007 310 Sea Ray (57 hours on the engines, no kidding) for 90k in July...

We started looking at the 260 models, 280s, and so on and I swear I was going blind looking at boattrader listings with prices from reasonable to just stupid for the same year/model/hours and condition. It created a real problem for us because anything above a reasonable amount over the bottom end always had us thinking we would be over paying. We surveyed and looked at so many boats it became painful...some great, some that were overstated by a mile and overpriced. I'm serious when I say the logic of the pricing to year and condition would almost never match up. We also found there is a heavy market of boats in the class we were looking for where sellers were willing to low ball to just get out of the boat...either to move up or just be done.

Our original budget was 70k - but once we got on a boat of 33' (I know the 310 name is off, should be 330), it was just our comfort zone we threw that out the window. The market for a 310 (2005-2009) was 105k to 165ish, so we literally looked at everything on the bottom end, scheduled a visit (drove thousands of miles in a two month period) and made offers...ONE offer...accept or we go to the next and not in a mean way, just that was our price. We were certainly willing to accept a reasonable counter offer, but after the first few experiences of offer/counter/offer/counterX10, we stopped. I say this because the market (IMO) is flooded with boats right now. We had so many options it was crazy. The last boat we looked at and bought, 114k list, made an offer of 85k...rejected, no counter...got it, super low hours, great shape, super minor stuff. So we walked away (drove actually) and I said thanks, call me if you get closer to the number. Got a call two hours later, 95k, nope, will split it at 90k and yes we're on the way to another boat right now... Sold, subject to survey.

It's been a great boat, spent about $500 in fixes and replaced some aging electronics, but we LOVE the boat. When we closed the deal the seller said it's been just a tough market this year because there are so many boats and everyone is dropping prices to meet sellers that are looking everywhere online now and the buyer market is not as big as everyone thinks it is. The sellers that are priced high are either not trying to really sell or hoping for the local person that may not have the research or boat background to know they are over paying.

So we're thinking we've got a smokin deal, at least a great deal. I start watch all the other boat sites and eBay for all the 310s with about the same options and model year - NOT one sold for over 82k on eBay in the past few months and many just drop off unsold. Most had considerable more hours so I think we still did great, but the bottom line is there is a crazy bottom end market on boats right now. One sellers started at over 120k and his was the one the went for 82...just sad really.

I think you're asking a fair price and you know you'll likely come off it a bit. Just keep it listed and I suspect it will get snatched up in the spring, but if you're in a hurry, get to a bottom line that makes it hard not to take.
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I think MancaveII summed it up best. Selling my parents 2002 - 290 Amberjack, it went cheap. Survey went great. One minor thing came up on the survey. It was a rude awakening but boats are not worth what people are often asking. My parents boat went cheap, but they weighed taxes, slip fees and winterizing and realized selling it now was better than waiting to see if the market gets better. The reason is there are not many buyers. The real buyers are ready to move fast. When you do get one you better be willing to negotiate. If not they move quickly. The interesting thing with my parents boat. All of the good prospects were all cash buyers.
Thanks for the comments guys! The broker that listed the boat this summer wants to show the boat to a family so now I'd have to figure his fees back into the price which might scare away the buyer but he's a boat salesman, they have a way of convincing people, and might save me some headaches.
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so now I'd have to figure his fees back into the price which might scare away the buyer but he's a boat salesman, they have a way of convincing people, and might save me some headaches.

Just so long as you consider the possibility that it might be YOU who has to figure the fee back out of YOUR price.

Just saying. Good luck.
Good luck, as a reminder to you I purchased my 320 last year around this time for $89.5 so you are priced extremely good IMO.
Dont give that nice outfit away!
I have done a lot of research on how much 320s are worth out in the open market. The early 320 models (2002-2004) are selling right around between 55-70k. Was considering upgrading, but just won't get my money back. You're boat definitely has all the bells and whistles so I wouldn't be surprised if you got 70k.
Thanks a lot Woody, Right when I was thinking about deleting this thread....but some here don't like that,
What I have said in the earlier posts, If I can't get what I want, this boat is going to stay in my slip again this year. I have been looking at Great Lake freshwater 420s and have found out that I can't make my offers within the national average selling price unless they are junk boats that were not maintained. My boat is spotless and has been well maintained.
Good luck on your listing. I too have my 340 listed at what I believe to be a reasonable price on here, but like you, I will have it back in my slip next month if it can't be sold at a reasonable price!
Good luck on your listing. I too have my 340 listed at what I believe to be a reasonable price on here, but like you, I will have it back in my slip next month if it can't be sold at a reasonable price!

I'm feeling the same pain with my 340, it's been listed for 15 months, and only 2 inquires. Broker told me to drop my price 10k down to $89,995 immediately after listing 2 months later, I complied and I still have no inquires. I'm listed with a "International" outfit. I contacted him (broker) last week via email and told him my wishes to delist with him and go with a local broker, no hard feelings. His response is that I'm still under contract, that it automatically renews every 6 months and I should drop the price another 10k down to $79,990. He also wrote me a very condescending email on how disappointed he was with me, that he cut me a sweet deal with the commission and all that crap, blah, blah, blah. Commission 10% if he brings a buyer, 5% if I brought a buyer. I don't think he cut me ANY sweet deal because if another broker comes with a buyer, he would have to split the commission with him/her anyway. In fact I was the one who asked about me bringing a buyer to the table months after I listed with him.

A local broker contacted me yesterday with 2 people interested and want to view her. So far one person is sick and no word back about 2nd person. Now this guy is a lot older (broker) and he's either extremely experienced in selling boats or he's got a serious mouthpiece on him. I'm beginning to lose my faith in these guys because it's beginning to sound like some of the "Veteran" used car salesmen I used to sell cars with. I sold new cars.

I think most people want to buy something close to their proximity these days. I know when I was in the market I didn't mind going as far as the Florida Panhandle cause I could sail her home, which is what I did (with help) and that was a trip of a lifetime. Problem down here is there are not many express cruiser style boats where I live, so it's gotta be someone looking for my exact boat year make and model (i guess).

I'm just really frustrated right now, so excuse me for venting.
Cant offer much, obviously as I am in another country.


Boats here, are taking a long time to sell. I have been monitoring for a while, as unfortunately I am not in a position to upgrade at present. However I am watching boats that have been on the market for a very, very long time.

We recently took a trip to Qld to look at a boat for my fishing partner, one boat had been on the market for nearly 3 years, the other for 2. Both were in good condition, and priced well.

My mate offered over 10% less of the asking price on the one he wanted, and it was accepted.

Tough market for a seller.

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I'm feeling the same pain with my 340, it's been listed for 15 months, and only 2 inquires. Broker told me to drop my price 10k down to $89,995 immediately after listing 2 months later, I complied and I still have no inquires. I'm listed with a "International" outfit. I contacted him (broker) last week via email and told him my wishes to delist with him and go with a local broker, no hard feelings. His response is that I'm still under contract, that it automatically renews every 6 months and I should drop the price another 10k down to $79,990. He also wrote me a very condescending email on how disappointed he was with me, that he cut me a sweet deal with the commission and all that crap, blah, blah, blah. Commission 10% if he brings a buyer, 5% if I brought a buyer. I don't think he cut me ANY sweet deal because if another broker comes with a buyer, he would have to split the commission with him/her anyway. In fact I was the one who asked about me bringing a buyer to the table months after I listed with him.

A local broker contacted me yesterday with 2 people interested and want to view her. So far one person is sick and no word back about 2nd person. Now this guy is a lot older (broker) and he's either extremely experienced in selling boats or he's got a serious mouthpiece on him. I'm beginning to lose my faith in these guys because it's beginning to sound like some of the "Veteran" used car salesmen I used to sell cars with. I sold new cars.

I think most people want to buy something close to their proximity these days. I know when I was in the market I didn't mind going as far as the Florida Panhandle cause I could sail her home, which is what I did (with help) and that was a trip of a lifetime. Problem down here is there are not many express cruiser style boats where I live, so it's gotta be someone looking for my exact boat year make and model (i guess).

I'm just really frustrated right now, so excuse me for venting.
I feel your pain but the market is really heating up, I've got several people interested but it's finding time to show the boat with conflicting schedules. (One advantage of having broker) I had one lady fly up from southern Indiana, I had to practically mop up the drool she liked so much but couldn't get her to give me a deposit.
My 320 is now sold :smt038 and after holding firm I was able to get what I wanted for it.
Now the search is back on for a nice clean 420DA
I respect anyone who wants to hold out for a fair price. People on a boating website probably have cleaner, better maintained, more upgraded boats than 90 percent of the boating public.

I took a bath when I sold our 360 last year. I plowed many thousands of dollars in to her including 10k for an M3 system and other electronic upgrades 5 months prior, and she was Immaculate.

it seemed to help get more buyers looking at her, but no one was willing to pay the premium for the upgrades, or Bristol.
My 320 is now sold :smt038 and after holding firm I was able to get what I wanted for it.
Now the search is back on for a nice clean 420DA

Congrats on the sale.

Reminds me of an old real estate joke.

Joe saw Sam at the market and remarked he saw Sam had his place for sale and asked how much he was asking? $295,000, Sam says.

After a few price reductions, Sam sells for $238,000.

Joe again sees Sam at the market and says saw you sold your house, how did you do?

Got what I wanted, Sam replied.

Bruce with you on your experience! I too have dropped my price significantly for a Bristol condition boat with all the bell and whistles and upgrades! Guess we both just need that one "right" buyer! Best of luck!

I'm feeling the same pain with my 340, it's been listed for 15 months, and only 2 inquires. Broker told me to drop my price 10k down to $89,995 immediately after listing 2 months later, I complied and I still have no inquires. I'm listed with a "International" outfit. I contacted him (broker) last week via email and told him my wishes to delist with him and go with a local broker, no hard feelings. His response is that I'm still under contract, that it automatically renews every 6 months and I should drop the price another 10k down to $79,990. He also wrote me a very condescending email on how disappointed he was with me, that he cut me a sweet deal with the commission and all that crap, blah, blah, blah. Commission 10% if he brings a buyer, 5% if I brought a buyer. I don't think he cut me ANY sweet deal because if another broker comes with a buyer, he would have to split the commission with him/her anyway. In fact I was the one who asked about me bringing a buyer to the table months after I listed with him.

A local broker contacted me yesterday with 2 people interested and want to view her. So far one person is sick and no word back about 2nd person. Now this guy is a lot older (broker) and he's either extremely experienced in selling boats or he's got a serious mouthpiece on him. I'm beginning to lose my faith in these guys because it's beginning to sound like some of the "Veteran" used car salesmen I used to sell cars with. I sold new cars.

I think most people want to buy something close to their proximity these days. I know when I was in the market I didn't mind going as far as the Florida Panhandle cause I could sail her home, which is what I did (with help) and that was a trip of a lifetime. Problem down here is there are not many express cruiser style boats where I live, so it's gotta be someone looking for my exact boat year make and model (i guess).

I'm just really frustrated right now, so excuse me for venting.
Bruce with you on your experience! I too have dropped my price significantly for a Bristol condition boat with all the bell and whistles and upgrades! Guess we both just need that one "right" buyer! Best of luck!
Hold out if you can, my boat was spotless and that is what my buyer was looking for, trick is seeing is believing. My buyer was a hugh Michigan State fan and loved the green canvas.
I just purchased a 2005 420 Sundancer and searched for a very clean well maintained boat, had to pay more but I know the value was well worth it.
Here is a link http://www.boattrader.com/listing/2005-Sea-Ray-420-Sundancer-Hardtop-629474

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