Detailing Questions


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
St. Louis, MO
Boat Info
320 Sundancer, Zodiac 290 Wave Inflatable Tohatsu 6HP, Boston Whaler 130 Sport
350 Mag V-Drive - Kohler 5ecd
1) What do people use to clean threads of the vinyl seats on their boats? I have a spot I would like to clean a bit.

2) What do people use to clean the caulk in the cockpit in their boats?

Thanks - I know it's a new boat but I am picky and would rather clean it myself.


I can't help you on the seat threads. As far as the caulking goes, the only thing I found that cleans up that factory caulk is Goo Gone. I have tried numerous other products with no luck whatsover. I find that by spraying Goo Gone on the caulking and then scrubbing it with a tooth brush it will clean right up. Be sure you flush with water when you are finished.
Try a clorox bleach pen on the caulk. Rub the pen along the bead, then wipe with a clean cloth.

On the seat threads..... lots and lots of water...... a good hosing really helps to remove the junks that gets into the seams, nooks, and crannies (I mean a soaking with tons and tons of water). Using boat soap and water first..... and a microfiber... gently pull back on the seam and clean.... if that does not do it..... go to full strength boat soap and the same process. Last resort is a very gentle tooth brush (soft). Take your time. If that fails I would ask that it be replaced.... as it is a new boat.

I have to agree with Dave on the goo gone for removing excess caulking. The factory caulking is fair to poor.... and it keeps some tackiness for a little while (20 washes later it is not as bad) which seems to dimish with time. Cleaning caulk lines is boat soap and water .... then graduate to straight boat soap if needed.... buy 2 soft toothbrushes.... one for the caulk and one for the seams....

I do not go any stronger than goo gone.... as I am just not willing to risk increased product degradation due to a short cut..... nothing makes the boat shine and look clean like good ol hard work and elbow grease.....

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