Fusion - Stereo Replacement Question

Piggy backing off of this thread with a Fusion Zone question. I always assumed multiple zones means a different source for each zone. Meaning I could listen to the radio in one zone while the GF listens to SiriusXM in another. I learned today it's only the volume, not the source. Is this correct?
With Fusion, this is mostly correct. They offer 2, 3 or 4 zones of volume. Off the top of my head, I cant think of a unit that offers 2 different source zones. however, Some do. Kicker and Clarion do/have offered units that could play a 2nd source for a different part of the boat.
Piggy backing off of this thread with a Fusion Zone question. I always assumed multiple zones means a different source for each zone. Meaning I could listen to the radio in one zone while the GF listens to SiriusXM in another. I learned today it's only the volume, not the source. Is this correct?
In order to listen to more than one source, you will need more than one unit, wired to different speakers. Get used to listening to SiriusXM. GF's, Like wives, always win;)

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