Globial warming? Watch!!

Excellent! But liberal sheeple will chant, "He's may be a Nobel Laureate in Physics.... but he's no Al Gore. Lather. Rinse. Repeat."
Chalk me up with the "Liberal Sheep". Oh, and the Union of Concerned Scientists (My Dad is a long time member, and was a weatherman in the US Air force before he got a dual degree in Electrical Engineering and Physics, and became a college professor), The USGCRP, the IPCC, both acknowledge Global Warming (or "Climate Change" for your Right Wing boaters) as a scientific fact. A Nobel Prize winner for what again? Ivar Giaever got his Nobel prize in the field of super conductors and tunneling in solids. Actual Climate Scientists have cautioned that his arguments on Climate Change are a little like a "dentist practicing cardiology". I sell Fiber Optic Cable for a living and was a Journeyman line mechanic for 16 years. If you have an engine, or car, question, I am your man. If you need Fiber Optic Cable, I can educate you on your options.
I have a Captains license, and years of local boating experience, which makes me a pretty good authority on navigating San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Coast. My Dad is the scientist in the family, and he was actually a weather professional before he helped bounce a laser off the Moon from Lick Observatory, and educate decades of science majors. You can argue the cause of Global warming, or the effects it might have, but denying it exists is a little like believing the earth is flat.
Nice video, but I'm sure the lathered up Gore followers have some charts to "prove" their argument also. There is a lot of logic in what he is saying, and I believe he is closer to reality than the Gore group, since warming/cooling science doesn't date back all that far into history, so some pretty wild temp. swings were most likely never recorded, even with geological discoveries taken into account. And then you will have differences of opinion depending if you are a creationist or believe in evolution. JMHO.
Chalk me up with the "Liberal Sheep".


I'll watch the video when I get a minute, but I've heard about some change-denial theories that take a specific period of time with little change data and then paint with that using a broad brush. Is this the same?

I'll watch the video when I get a minute, but I've heard about some change-denial theories that take a specific period of time with little change data and then paint with that using a broad brush. Is this the same?
Ivan is a little like watching paint dry. I think he does make some solid arguments in so far as what is "uncontroversial", and what is "proof". He the makes the argument that the extent of "warming" that has taken place is inconsequential and, from that point, in my opinion he is just talking outside his field about factors he can not possibly have taken the time to understand better than the Climate Scientists who have spent their lives studying the problem. That said, people concerned with the TRUTH, should always look at the dissenting opinions. Lots of force feeding and brainwashing going on today on FOX and MSNBC etc. I think it is prudent to look at all the arguments. In this Global Warming thing I personally rely on my Dads expertise and scientific knowledge. You guys do not know my Dad, so I could see where that would not carry as much weight. But I know he is not one to shoot off his mouth before his brain is loaded, and I trust his opinion on scientific matters. Especially when it matches a precursory Google Search.
LOL, I love George Carlin. He has one about 'Religion is Bull***t' too.
Clearly an expert on "Climate Change" as he probably heard Ivan's lecture. Also, just for fun. This is not my thread and I have a 380DA that burns 33GPH at cruise., so how "worried" do you suspect I am on 'Global Warming'??
Global warming? Maybe. Human induced? Harder to believe since Mt. St. Helen eruption released more green house gases than all of mankind up to that time. I am also skeptical because when I was 11(1977) all the science books stated as fact that we were in the midst of a new ice age. Scared the crap out of me. The cynical side of me believes science follows money and there is a TON of money in global warming right now.

He is right about one thing, if you come out as a "denier" you are branded the same way religions brand people who don't believe in their religion. Liberals and religious zealots trade in emotion rather that logic and fact. How's that for painting with a broad brush? Just sayin'.

If we are experiencing human induced global warming, I am very much enjoying contributing to it.
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Someone help me out, what happened in between the last two ice ages?
There is a phenomenon called axial precession or polar precession which is the conical rotation of the earth’s axis; different than the nominal 24 hour rotation on it’s axis. You can see such a precession with the spinning of a toy top. The earth’s axial precession makes one complete rotation in about 28,000 years. This precession changes the relative exposure of the poles and equator to the sun. What seems to not be addressed is where the earth is in that cycle with respect to warming and water levels inthe same precession position 28,000 years ago.
Just saying….
There is a phenomenon called axial precession or polar precession which is the conical rotation of the earth’s axis; different than the nominal 24 hour rotation on it’s axis. You can see such a precession with the spinning of a toy top. The earth’s axial precession makes one complete rotation in about 28,000 years. This precession changes the relative exposure of the poles and equator to the sun. What seems to not be addressed is where the earth is in that cycle with respect to warming and water levels inthe same precession position 28,000 years ago.
Just saying….

Shush, that's not the information we need to know. It's dangerous, and that's not who we are.
What I cant wait for is the next polarity flip of the magnetosphere!
All the sunscreen in the world wont help and we are long overdue..........
What I cant wait for is the next polarity flip of the magnetosphere!
All the sunscreen in the world wont help and we are long overdue..........
I need to be in the compass business when that happens.....
Crap! Now you guys are using facts and logic. That is NOT allowed...polar bears and sea lions are dying!

Seriously, all of this pales in comparison to the stunning decline in the bee population. That is real and could threaten food production in a big way.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming....
Someone help me out, what happened in between the last two ice ages?
I am pretty sure every ice age for the last 2.6 million years has been a Left Wing hoax. Never happened. What do we really know about climate that long ago? Is it possible it is all a fabrication to justify some grand Liberal 'Tax and Spend' plan?? Maybe we should see what Jimmy Carter thinks? He is a "Nobel Laureate". Hillary could not have been very old in the Pre-Cambrian period, so you can not really blame what might have happened 21,000 years ago on her (Unless you are Trey Gowdy). If there really HAVE been previous "ice ages", I am sure they were because of a Liberal Plot to over tax business and overburden the "rich". However, maybe if the military industrial complex had listened to the scientists back then we could have avoided a lot of trouble! Regardless of Liberal grandstanding, do we seriously need to let Republicans keep making the SAME mistakes every few million years?
Nobody with any sense is talking about "Man Made" Global Warming. Real science says it is happening. The question is, how much we are contributing to the change, and whether we could do anything about it if we wanted. It seems to me the choices are we just keep polluting, and destroying, and using up resources at our current accelerating rate, or we take steps to be better stewards of our planet.
Is that code for more regulations and revenue from flush taxes and rain taxes and driveway taxes and cow fart taxes?
You do realize your first and third sentences are in complete contradiction, right? Where is the real science? Watch the second video I linked, 1 degree rise over 50 years is hardly anything to get excited about.
So, you are going to pretend to know that a one degree rise in temperature over the entire planet means nothing? Because you found a video on the Internet? Since the human body is considered "hypothermic" if core temperature drops below 95F and our cells start dying from heat at 106F even lowly mechanics like me can figure out one degree over the entire planet might be worth considering as a problem. I can find you a video on the Internet to back up the moon being made of green cheese. As I previously referenced three major scientific communities that are all in agreement about "global warming" none of which also have links to UFO sightings, or the hunt for Bigfoot, I think we have covered "what real science". Basically, even your data admits that the whole world is getting warmer, so there you have it. We call that "Global Warming". Now you can have a discussion about what that means and whether we can do anything about it. But you can no longer say it is a "myth" with any credibility. We are talking a global change of over a degree in my lifetime. Probably not enough to threaten my grandkids. So I guess we can just ignore it, right? The planet will be fine as long as you and I need it.
Humm, all this is just goofy. global warming points the finger at us humans, why? Has anyone stop to think that the sun could be changing? It has cycles every 100 years. By 2030 she begins to cool again. Oh and the caps are melting so the sea is rising... Gosh last I saw the caps are freezing again and we are still going to drown. Maybe the islands they claim to be affected are actually sinking normally but its easlier to claim the water is rising due to global warming? Look at the Hawaiian islands as one example. On one end they rise from the sea, on the other they sink... it's normal. In the end, I don't like pollution either but I am hard pressed that it's warming us or cooling us. Maybe normal stuff like the sun cycles and volcanic convierbelts are to blame. Just say'n. Fear creates control and wealth for those who seek power over others.

Let me add to ttmott post. On top of the axis cycles, what about the huge quake in Japan a few ago. Scientists claimed then that the quake was so strong it shifted the planets axis a fraction. Thats huge in the scale of the planet... yet no one talks about that anymore... nope it needs to be focused around us humans.

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