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Great site! Regarding the music, that’s no problem for me as I have one of those Bose hockey puck audio controllers and just tap it once to mute the sound, if so desired.

I am familiar with your neck of the woods and typically make it up there about once a year. Nantucket may be the only place were I have seen an old fisherman’s shack built on piers over the water selling for 1.5 million, but it is a great boating area and keep the those pictures coming.
Considering it's a work 'in progress', I'd say it's off to a really good start! I agree with some of the comments regarding the pictures... all in good time.
I'm not really a fan of the auto-play music either but I wouldn't say a great song like that is annoying. Just a thought but I wonder if some 'tropical' type of audio in the background would be less 'in your face'?
Overall... I like it :)

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