Presidential Candidates

She's a strong advocate for charter schools. The education mess in this country rivals the political disaster. Time to shake things up.

It doesn't matter what she advocates, since she doesn't understand the subject matter. She lacks even a basic understanding of pedagogy, and she has financial ties to charter schools.

If you're in a plane and encounter turbulence, do you ask the attendant to take over? If your engine stalls after your mechanic replaces fuel filters, do you hire a seamstress to fix it? This is what Trump is doing. She's an idiot. It's ridiculous.
I hate to be a jerk but shouldn't political threads be in the Club Level forum? I had to quit Facebook because of this crap and I regret that I participated in this thread... CSR was my only online respite from political BS.

I suggest that anyone who wants to debate politics should coordinate a conference call and it should be done in person, not here.

I suggest that anyone who can't handle the topic, simply stop clicking on the link. This isn't a safe space.
Take any major company, bring in a new CEO and senior leadership team and see how they do in the first few weeks. Of course in that case, there wouldn't be 24/7 media coverage with everyone looking to pounce on any tidbit of news or stumbles.

Yes, it's been a bit rocky start, but he is doing what he said he's doing and that's a good thing. As others have said, the economy is responding well so far.

I have many liberal friends who think it's the end of the world, but I simply ask them one question........ Since Trump has taken office, has your life changed at all? They stumble to admit is hasn't, but they counter with stories, guesses, and doomsday scenarios of what COULD happen. I prefer to wait to actually see the results, but for liberals that's not near as much fun as speculating and creating the thought of bad things to come. Our country is a really big ship and nobody (not even Trump) is going to steer it wildly off course.

" has your life changed at all?"

This is what I keep saying to my liberal and conservative friends. I tell them that my life did not change the last 8 years nor do I see it changing the next 8.

They ask how I could vote for Trump. I explain I voted for the Republican ideal, not necessarily Trump.

What I really was afraid of, was a liberal democrat getting in to office and putting 2 or 3 liberal Supreme Court Justices in power for the next 3 decades. The last President was very smart in that he picked 2 young
It doesn't matter what she advocates, since she doesn't understand the subject matter. She lacks even a basic understanding of pedagogy, and she has financial ties to charter schools.

If you're in a plane and encounter turbulence, do you ask the attendant to take over? If your engine stalls after your mechanic replaces fuel filters, do you hire a seamstress to fix it? This is what Trump is doing. She's an idiot. It's ridiculous.

I find it tiresome that for the media the only "qualified" overseer of a government agency is someone who came up through and is a believer in the system they are supposed to oversee.

The Department of Education educates no one. Just a dictatorial money pit.

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This is just plain funny! :thumbsup:

I would ask folks to consider the broader perspective: I understand and agree that day to day life for large portions of the US population DOESN'T change when federal, state, or even local administrations change, partly because our communities are so darn huge that policies often are well-diluted. But is that really the end of it? If your (general you) life isn't affected, does that negate the experiences of others? To me that's like saying that because a tornado didn't hit MY house, there must not have been any tornadoes at all....regardless of whether there are 50 houses blown to smithereens a mile away.

My day to day life hasn't changed noticeably; I may or may not benefit from how the US markets are acting right now.

Natural born citizens (some of them well beyond first generation), naturalized citizens, and resident aliens I know have experienced negative changes in how they're treated by strangers in public. In all fairness, we don't truly know the cause, but because the increase in negative events seems to correlate with the campaign and election timeline, it surely makes us wonder, and puts them on edge fearing their situations may worsen.

Resident aliens and other legal visitors I know--as well as people who have adopted children from outside the US--have altered their travel plans indefinitely to avoid the risk of getting stranded out of country away from their jobs and families, or the risk of adults being separated from children. Yes, the EO is limited in scope, and there's a hold right now, and statistically speaking there may have been very few cases of such turmoil so far....but those statistics are meaningless when you're the individual or family facing uncertainty.

Citizens I know who became eligible for health insurance under the ACA are in danger of losing it. I know better than to say a president/new administration is the cause, because the ACA is still in effect and both federal and state government decisions factor, as well as decisions by the providers themselves. For example, as of 2018 Humana will no longer be an ACA marketplace provider in TN, reducing the number of choices available in some areas and possibly creating a complete gap in the Knoxville area. I don't know how many people that means, but as a person who values the insurance I've been lucky enough to have most of my adult life, but who did without and hoped for the best when my circumstances were different--I do know it may suck for many of them.

So maybe instead of "Has your life changed?" the question "Whose lives have changed and how?" can get all of us talking to and caring for each other more, regardless of how we voted. To me that's been the biggest challenge--discounting a person's thoughts and perspective completely based solely on a mark on a ballot.
I find it tiresome that for the media the only "qualified" overseer of a government agency is someone who came up through and is a believer in the system they are supposed to oversee.


No. No need to be tired from it, because that's not the case here. That would be a valid point if Betsy HAD A CLUE, yet her conclusions were different than the status quo. Did you watch her interviews? She's honestly a moron, and has massive conflicts of interest. She was a very bad call on Trump's part.

I find it tiresome that people find clueless people in positions of leadership a good thing.
My wife said it best last night after reading most of the posts here... 12 years of teaching in public schools, the last 6 without a pay increase, 2 had a reduction in her pay due to health care reform (hers went up to help pay for those who have none) So I think she has the right to say this

Those who can't always lead those that can! She can't do any worse than the last ones.
No. No need to be tired from it, because that's not the case here. That would be a valid point if Betsy HAD A CLUE, yet her conclusions were different than the status quo. Did you watch her interviews? She's honestly a moron, and has massive conflicts of interest. She was a very bad call on Trump's part.

I find it tiresome that people find clueless people in positions of leadership a good thing.

Apparently we are just tired, LOL, as it is also tiresome that only glib photogenic people are thought to be good managers by the media and special interest groups.

Many of the best and brightest business owners and top management types I know personally, are not out of Hollywood casting but know what they are doing. No one should be judged by Senate confirmation theatrics.

Great presser yesterday.

I thought I was watching a movie about a deranged demagogue who has managed to capture the office of the presidency, but then I realized it was real.

It doesn't matter what she advocates, since she doesn't understand the subject matter. She lacks even a basic understanding of pedagogy, and she has financial ties to charter schools.

If you're in a plane and encounter turbulence, do you ask the attendant to take over? If your engine stalls after your mechanic replaces fuel filters, do you hire a seamstress to fix it? This is what Trump is doing. She's an idiot. It's ridiculous.
If your boat is constantly failing you, do still go back to the same mechanic? Americans education in comparison to other nations sits somewhere around 27th out 41 nations. It hasn't improved in the last 30 years it has only fallen. I teach in a great community and I am not worried a bit. If I lived in a community where the schools sucked as bad as they do in many big cities i would want choice for my children. Why should they be stuck in a system that is failing? Who wouldn't want that choice? You are aware the only two republicans to vote against Devos, were recipients of NEA/Aft money. If you are against choice for students who live in ****ty school districts you have some self-reflection to do about the equality and opportunity all people deserve.

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You're a teacher, and it doesn't bother you that the SoE has no idea what "proficiency" means?!?!?!

If my mechanic didn't do a good job, I'd find a new mechanic, not a new landscaper.

I'm not against choice, I'm against incompetence.
She made a fool of herself, and therefore a fool of anyone who supports her.

Just as I said, after a professional performer spent forever asking a "question" she did fumble. So what. She is not being hired to be a "performer", she was just hired to "drain the education swamp", which is likely what most that don't like her have against her. The "swamp" doesn't educate a single student.

From a local perspective, guess what building casts the largest literal shadow over the Indiana capitol building? The teachers union...

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It doesn't matter what she advocates, since she doesn't unaderstand the subject matter. She lacks even a basic understanding of pedagogy, and she has financial ties to charter schools.

If you're in a plane and encounter turbulence, do you ask the attendant to take over? If your engine stalls after your mechanic replaces fuel filters, do you hire a seamstress to fix it? This is what Trump is doing. She's an idiot. It's ridiculous.

The way I see things she can't be any worse than the morons and thieves that have run the education system (particularly in some inner cities) in to the ground over the last few decades.
I find it tiresome that for the media the only "qualified" overseer of a government agency is someone who came up through and is a believer in the system they are supposed to oversee.

The Department of Education educates no one. Just a dictatorial money pit.


Well put!
My wife said it best last night after reading most of the posts here... 12 years of teaching in public schools, the last 6 without a pay increase, 2 had a reduction in her pay due to health care reform (hers went up to help pay for those who have none) So I think she has the right to say this

Those who can't always lead those that can! She can't do any worse than the last ones.
Ah yes, the old 'he doesn't know anything that's why they made him the boss' argument .....yep, the workers always know more than the management.:lol:

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