Quote thread..

This quote was given to me by a close friend following the shooting I was involved in. I hadn't thought about it for many years, but would now like to dedicate it all active duty and retired LEO's, military, veterans and all others who work to keep others safe.

You have never lived
'til you have almost died.

For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor
the protected shall never know.

Those of you who fall into the groups I outlined above, if you have not yet read "On Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs" by Lt. Col David Grossman, I highly suggest you pick up or download a copy and read it. At least once.
This quote was given to me by a close friend following the shooting I was involved in. I hadn't thought about it for many years, but would now like to dedicate it all active duty and retired LEO's, military, veterans and all others who work to keep others safe.

You have never lived
'til you have almost died.

For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor
the protected shall never know.

Those of you who fall into the groups I outlined above, if you have not yet read "On Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs" by Lt. Col David Grossman, I highly suggest you pick up or download a copy and read it. At least once.
I had the privilege of attending a lecture by LT Col. Grossman for a small group of us at work.

It was the most incredible experience. If you ever get the opportunity, do not hesitate.
Same thing for Yugo, Vega, most anything AMC, etc.
Hey. I actually liked my Vega. But I had the sport model with the 4 speed manual trans track and pinion steering and the 2bbl carb.

Not the 1bbl auto trans slug.
This quote was given to me by a close friend following the shooting I was involved in. I hadn't thought about it for many years, but would now like to dedicate it all active duty and retired LEO's, military, veterans and all others who work to keep others safe.

You have never lived
'til you have almost died.

For those who fight for it,
life has a flavor
the protected shall never know.

Those of you who fall into the groups I outlined above, if you have not yet read "On Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs" by Lt. Col David Grossman, I highly suggest you pick up or download a copy and read it. At least once.

I respect all LEOs. That’s not something I could do.

But I can relate to the thought. Having been in free fall at 120 mph and 5 seconds from impact, changes your perspective on life, how sweet things smell, how vivid are the colors.
We will make it work.
My brother-in-law who was in the air force said it to me when a new plane cane out in the early 80ies. The media did not have good things to say about it. The plane is still in service.

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