Recall Gretchen Whitmer - Michigan

What is the process to recall Whitless? By now she has had to piss off enough people to get the process going.
We need a million signatures.... we are at 375,000. So a way to go, the last 75,000 took a month
You just got to love the news story about the fire after this video to get the whole story

The bitch is back

Statewide, bars are closed for indoor service and indoor gatherings are restricted to no more than 10 people
The bitch is back

Statewide, bars are closed for indoor service and indoor gatherings are restricted to no more than 10 people

Is the China virus triggered at 11 people?

There HAS TO BE a SCIENTIFIC reason that 11 people is illegal and means you will get the WuFlu. Surely one of her like minded friends can tell us how they figured this out.
So Fauci and Birx are floating face shields now. “Mask only protect others, shields protect you”
I saw that....why are we jerking around?.... just go full blown hazmat suit and be done

I want Sh!tmer arrested!!!

If I let someone into my business without a mask I’m risking my license.

That picture is obviously in an indoor public space and she is not wearing the all saving mask!

Psychotic witch.

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