Sailboat Sinks, Sad End To The Dream...

"How do I have everything," Walsh said, "and end up in a s----- hotel with nothing?"

Maybe it's because you are an idiot. I can't believe people actually contributed to his Gofund account.
I don't understand the no insurance thing, especially going off shore. I had insurance on my current and previous boats from the day I bought them. They were insured while sitting on the trailers making sure everything was square before hitting the water for the first time. I'm just an inland lake guy but still... protect what you have and don't put family on something untested.
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so far $12,700 dollars raised
I would like to retire and spend more time on my boat. Can I start a GoFundMe page for that?
Or even better, let me sell all my stuff, do something really stupid, then get everyone else to pay for my mistake.
Being stupid and making stupid decisions that lead to catastrophe should hurt. Period. Getting others to pay for your mistakes doesn't teach you anything except that it's okay to be a dumba$$, somebody will bail you out.
Sorry. Not on my team.
Now, if Betty and Fred Wannabe went and got themselves a boat, got some insurance, took classes, got certified, sailed around in well known waters, asked other boaters to show them around, (and we generally love to do just that), and generally got used to their boat for a couple of years, saved some bucks, understood what it takes to make a huge trip on the water, (I think they call that Experience), then went out and had themselves a disaster, I might feel differently. BUT, they wouldn't need a GoFundMe page to help them. They would have planned ahead, had insurance, had some money, had a backup plan.
Burned out at 24 and 26. KMA. I've been working since I was 15, I'm 57, and I did 4 in the Air Force.
Geeze. This kind of crap catches me in the quick.
Sorry about the rant.
Where was all this criticism when the old man ran over the fishing charter boat cause he couldn't see over the bow?

Seems to me I see a bit of "old privilege" showing through :)

There was all kinds of criticism on that too. Not sure why you’re linking the two. I’m 40 and I’ve worked my ass off to buy my boats. “Old privilege”? Spare me. These are two people who aren’t taking responsibility for bad decisions and want others to bail them out. End of story.
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You put everything you have into a boat, and don't insure it?
Very good point. The first thing I did after I got my first apartment was arrange for renters insurance to secure all my stuff. And that was for a building that doesn't tend to, you know, sink.

And the first thing I did when I bought my first sail boat was insure it. Even though the boat cost me $1 and it was for pleasure use.
After a recent trip to the NY Boat Show one of my dreams now is to own a brand new 45’ Sabre. It would be even sweeter if it came with a couple of attractive women with a liberal view of physical relationships, no inhibitions and an appreciation for old guys.
Maybe I should start a go fund me page...........

Ooh, my dream boat is smaller, a Back Cove 34. I'd even take a used one. Maybe I should start a gofundme too!
Suppose Gofund me is like begging on the corner but there is no effort. No idea who contributes to them. I asked my accountant about them as I know some one with pancreatic cancer that is into alternative treatment. Got 90K so far. I did not contribute. Accountant said it is considered income and you pay tax on it. As far as I know no cure for pancreatic cancer once it gets to stage 4.
Responding to Boater420:

Bah Humbug!

Both the guy in the Powerboat and the couple in the sailboat had less commonsense than a turtle crossing an LA freeway.

Don't forget to add the two women who were "hours away" from starvation (although both appear to be overfed) on their stranded sailboat south west of Hawaii.
so far $12,700 dollars raised
Pretty soon they will have enough to buy a new boat and destroy it. Perhaps their next boat could be a Moody 41, or maybe a Bavaria Vision 46. That way they will have more room for the dog.

I think I'm going to change my insurance to that Go Fund Me company.
While it was stupid as to how they went about this idea, I do have to say that it did take guts. I think that at one point or another we as fellow water lovers have all had this idea or dream. I know I have. I was joking with the wife about it last week. We either realized that we were not ready or didn't have the guts. I do hope that in the end that they make right with those involved and stand back and take a smarter approach to their dream. I have to say at least they tried. That can be harder to find than anything now a days, most people don't even want to try.
While it was stupid as to how they went about this idea, I do have to say that it did take guts. I think that at one point or another we as fellow water lovers have all had this idea or dream. I know I have. I was joking with the wife about it last week. We either realized that we were not ready or didn't have the guts. I do hope that in the end that they make right with those involved and stand back and take a smarter approach to their dream. I have to say at least they tried. That can be harder to find than anything now a days, most people don't even want to try.
But to have a dream you first have to live in reality.
They could definently go places on a 28 foot sailboat if it was equipped properly but obviously they had no idea what they were doing .. The best thing that ever happened to them was sinking that boat before they got into open water
While it was stupid as to how they went about this idea, I do have to say that it did take guts. I think that at one point or another we as fellow water lovers have all had this idea or dream. I know I have. I was joking with the wife about it last week. We either realized that we were not ready or didn't have the guts. I do hope that in the end that they make right with those involved and stand back and take a smarter approach to their dream. I have to say at least they tried. That can be harder to find than anything now a days, most people don't even want to try.
With all due respect there was not one iota of guts involved. They were clueless and just decided to do it knowing that someone else would take care of the shit when it hit the fan. It was more a case of entitlement.

I've seen the GoFundMe thing work well for people that really needed the money but the fact that people are funding this clown so he can do it again absolutely astounds me. I wish I could feel that this guy has learned something from this experience but I'm afraid all he has learned is how to eff something up and get someone else to pay for it so he can do it again.

Just baffling....
I follow a few couples on youTube that have done this (MJ Sailing, Sailing LaVagabonde, Sean & Julia Sailing) - they are chasing a dream also, just a little (a lot) more prepared and smart about it. None of these couples started off with fancy new boats, either (a little bigger than 28ft), and somehow the La Vagabonde crew managed a new Outremer catamaran last year - but they didn't ask us to pay for it. MJ Sailing bought a aluminum hull of a mess and spent two years in a boat yard restoring it. They all fund some of their adventure through Patreon - subcribe and pay to support their videos, or don't, it's your choice. I have not seen any of them use go fund me to solicit $$, they all seem to realize the funding and responsibility of their lifestyle is on them. Sometimes this means you quit sailing and go to work to replenish the kitty. If I were 30yrs younger and had a good looking Aussie girl to go off sailing around the world with, I just might start a Go Fund Me - just sayin.

I guess my point is, there are people out there doing this the right way - I've watched the ones I mentioned above plan, wait for weather, plan their arrival around tides, daylight, etc - not go blindly into an unknown inlet at night. Granted some of them have run into trouble, you have to figure something is going to happen when you start sailing all over and into unknown waters - but they are prepared to handle it - well mostly - at least none of them has lost a boat yet. But these two, I am not saying they had it coming, but anyone could have seen this one coming, they should count themselves lucky it happened in US waters close to shore and not in some remote place where they might have lost their lives also. No $$, no insurance, no plan, no sympathy. If I knew the $$ was going to help Remy the Pug I might contribute - he deserves better.
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Responding to Boater420:

Bah Humbug!

Both the guy in the Powerboat and the couple in the sailboat had less commonsense than a turtle crossing an LA freeway.

Agreed, exactly my point.

It's just interesting that there weren't nearly as many negative posts about the old man in the powerboat.

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