

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2011
potomac river
Boat Info
2010 sea ray 205 sport
F-250 CCLB 6.2 4x4 3.73 rear.
Mercruiser 4.3 mpi alpha 1.62
I whacked the side of my head on the back door of my work van. Split my ear open and smacked my temple. Everything went white and I saw stars for several minutes after with blood running down the side of my neck. I drove 5 minutes to my house and a friend took me to the ER. I probably shouldn't have driven the van but I was not thinking clearly. At the ER they glued my ear closed and gave me a CT scan. No bleeding in my brain or broken bones. They evaluated me and said I had a moderate concussion. They watched me for several hours and then sent me home.

Since I hit my head several days ago I have had a constant headache. My neck is sore, I'm having difficulty concentrating, and I'm feeling mild vertigo. Not spinning, just a shaking feeling like being on the water. I've also felt agitated and had difficulty focusing.

I have suffered concussions in the past but have not experienced these symptoms to this extent or duration.

Has anyone had issues recovering from a concussion? How long did the symptoms last? Was there any special treatment other than rest?

I wanted to go trolling for rockfish with my friend but I didn't think boating is the best idea right now. I sure would like to get back to normal.
I fell on ice a few years back a got a pretty good concussion. Had a headache for a week. Was in a fog for a few days. But, I saved the beer I was holding
If you watch hockey there have been some players that have had similar problems. Some to the point they can not play again. It seems from the reports concussions are accumulative. I am not a doctor. Best to get your doctor to send you to a neurologist. Not all things show up on scans it seems.
Took a blow to the head at work a few years back figured I was fine but had a constant headache for weeks to the point I even went to the dentist thinking I had a dental problem.
Finally went to the dr and after CT scan it was a concussion was over a month before the headaches went away. Feel better soon!,
I have played hockey all my life, and pretty competitive in my teens. Things are done so differently now and there is so much evidence of the damage from concussions. I can remember taking big hits and our coaches being more focused on getting us back out there. "How many fingers". That kind of thing. Thinking back I probably had quite a few concussions. I recall times when I didn't feel right for at least a week. But we just treated them like a bone bruise or a bad strain. Get back on the ice as soon as you can. I hope that nothing from my past comes back to bite me.
Ouch - feel better - and keep your computer time to a minimum as there are reports that the LCD displays can make the concussion symptoms worse.

Damn! Take some time and rest your melon.
I hope you feel better soon!
Not a doctor but if you get a blood clot in the brain you can have a stroke. It could happen weeks from now. Long ago I passed out and fell down stairs. I did not hit my head I think. They felt I could have had a stroke or a concussion. They did more test than a car dealer does when you tell them your car just does not sound good. I had CT brain scan, but stuff in my blood so they could look for clots in the brain and had me wear a monitor for a week that measure heart and blood pressure. See a doctor and get checked out.
Ouch - feel better - and keep your computer time to a minimum as there are reports that the LCD displays can make the concussion symptoms worse.

Thanks, that's good advice.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. I'm still suffering symptoms and going to a specialist tomorrow.
I'm still having symptoms, neurologist saw me and referred me to a concussion center. I hope I feel better soon. Headache won't quit.
I really hope you get better soon. Just crazy, I mean this could happen to any of us anytime! Wish you the best and let us all know if you need anything at all

I’m in double digits of concussions. They started With football in high school and now that I am in my 40’s it doesn’t take much to earn another one. Keep your activity to a minimum and stay off of electronics’ screens as much as you can. God speed in your recovery.
Thanks for all the well wishes and support.
Take care of yourself and seek good treatment. Don't think this will resolve itself over time by waiting it out. Things like this can literally drive a person crazy if not dealt with properly. You need to treat the physical, mental and emotional aspects of a concussion.

A friend of mine is a retired baseball player who played 9 seasons in the MLB and retired relatively young due to concussions. The injuries took a toll on him for several years after retirement and he's now very passionate about concussion treatment and prevention.

This is nothing to take lightly... good luck on your recovery.
I saw a concussion specialist earlier this week. After a number of different tests they gave me a vestibular-ocular exercise plan including target walking, pursuits and stability exercises, and Brock string exercises.

They all make me feel worse.

That was to be expected according to the Dr.

Hopefully these exercises will get me back on track.
After extensive rehab I had my third and final visit at the concussion center. At first the exercises were very difficult and seemed to make things worse. I stuck with it though and was able to chart my progress even though it didn't seem like I was improving. Last Monday I got the all clear. My visual processing speed and memory improved dramatically over a period of 8 weeks. No more headache or dizziness.

I'm really glad to be over it.

Thanks again to everyone for the well wishes and prayers.
Glad to hear you've made it out the other side. My son got a concussion while wrestling his junior year in high school. He wasn't really "normal" for about 6 weeks. Same kind of thing as you described. Some are just worse than others. Like you said, you've been concussed before and so have I. I was very worried about my sons behavior but doctors said it can be expected. Rest, no screens and follow the advice is all there is.

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