Install O/B 200 Hp motor on a very rotted transom that moves

Bt Doctur

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
New Jersey
Boat Info
Ex SRV 240 Weekender twin
in between
Yep, thats what the owner wants and is willing to sign release papers. I said no way .Transom already has a alum angle across the transom with the 2 top mounting bolts crushing in
Told marina owner to check with his legal team.
Who`s responsible for a sinking or drowning or death?
Regardless of him signing release papers, I couldn’t in good conscience do the work if I though it was a safety hazard.

What about any future passengers, they didn’t sign a release, they don’t know the potential for disaster.
......and then the owner takes a his kids and their buddies out water skiiing. They peel the transom off the boat and it sinks drowning a bunch of innocent kids. One of their uncles happens to be a personal injury lawyer.........everyone that has even seen the boat, much less mounted that engine on a rotted structural member is going to be named in the lawsuit. Doesn't really matter who is responsible..."all y'all" are going to court and paying your own lawyers a bunch of money, even if you do get dismissed from the suit.



......and then the owner takes a his kids and their buddies out water skiiing. They peel the transom off the boat and it sinks drowning a bunch of innocent kids. One of their uncles happens to be a personal injury lawyer.........everyone that has even seen the boat, much less mounted that engine on a rotted structural member is going to be named in the lawsuit. Doesn't really matter who is responsible..."all y'all" are going to court and paying your own lawyers a bunch of money, even if you do get dismissed from the suit.

As Frank describes, it is not "Who`s responsible", it is everyone all rolled into a big lawsuit. Tragedy suits can last for years. I was a witness once in a tragedy and the suits and legal wrangling went on for over 10 years. Do not do it!

Yeah, that screwdriver tells a good story. I certainly wouldn't put my name on ANYTHING to do with that transom. How 'bout the floor and stringers?

On the plus side, the fix isn't all that hard - skin the transom, replace wood, replace skin. Depending on how "good" the owner wants it look will determine the final cost, of course. But overall, not too bad... in the grand scheme of things.
Exactly, the reason I said no.Took video but holding the camera and pushing by hand the movement could not be seen .Will try the video again tomorrow.
If you click on the last pic it enlarges it to read the caption in black. Where the horiz goes vertical that whole length moves .When they put the alum channel in they used the 2 upper engine mounting bolts but no fender washers and you can see the crushing from the nut. Now how are you supposed to install the engine on a offset like that.
I can do the transom repairs but dont think the owner is going to invest that kind of money for the repair, Estimating $4K. Showed the marina owner ans told him I wont do the install. He was shocked when he saw the boat today too.
Wow. She's a beauty! Kidding aside, what is with the maybe 4 inches of freeboard at the transom? Was that cut-out to be that low? I know that there is a splash well, but that just looks like a bad setup even without the transom about to fall off.
Just rename the boat "Death Trap" and you'll be fine. Fair warning to anyone who get's on board. :)

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