
Now I'm totally blown away.

Thus the ongoing game this can become; finding odd ways in which the numbers work. Quite a discourse from boat talk, which I hope will not have me shunned from the light outside the holding tank!
1231? Why thats the year that Llywelyn the Great launches a campaign against the Norman lordships in Wales.
I know, I know, ya'll hate this threag I started, but I could NOT let this great pali go by...


  • pali copy.jpg
    pali copy.jpg
    37.6 KB · Views: 146
Will winter ever end.....................?

March 19th at 11:59:59

PPsssttt...more to life than a hole in the water that floats ;-)
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Somehow, I missed this entire thread back in the fall (?)
Can you appreciate "Nerd Rock" too? I actually own Apollo 18.

To the rest of you, this band is the creator of those odd-ball Dunkin Donuts commercial jingles.


Somehow, I missed this entire thread back in the fall (?)
Can you appreciate "Nerd Rock" too? I actually own Apollo 18.

To the rest of you, this band is the creator of those odd-ball Dunkin Donuts commercial jingles.


Haw!!! :lol: Appreciate this, I can.

Somehow, I missed this entire thread back in the fall (?)
Can you appreciate "Nerd Rock" too? I actually own Apollo 18.

To the rest of you, this band is the creator of those odd-ball Dunkin Donuts commercial jingles.


That's some funny stuff there.
I caught a good one...


  • pali copy.jpg
    pali copy.jpg
    45.3 KB · Views: 125
Its kind of like this:

"The most familiar palindromes, in English at least, are character-by-character: the written characters read the same backwards as forwards. Palindromic words exist, for example civic, level, rotator, rotor, and racecar. Palindromes often consist of a phrase or sentence ("Was it a rat I saw?", "Step on no pets", "Sit on a potato pan, Otis", "Lisa Bonet ate no basil", "Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas", "I roamed under it as a tired nude Maori"). Punctuation, capitalization, and spacing are usually ignored, although some (such as "Rats live on no evil star") include the spacing.[2]
The three famous English palindromes are "Able was I ere I saw Elba"[3] (which is also palindromic with respect to spacing), "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!”,[4] and “Madam, I'm Adam”.
Some people have names that are palindromes. Some changed their name in order to be a palindrome (one example is actor Robert Trebor), while others were given a palindromic name at birth (such as Neo-Nazi philologist Revilo Oliver and more than one man named Mike Kim[5])."

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