>:"#$% people at ramps


Well-Known Member
GOLD Sponsor
Feb 1, 2012
Catawaba Island/Orrville,Oh.
Boat Info
340 Sundancer 2001
8.1s 370 v drv.
So when is it ok to dock your boat or jet ski in front of one of the four ramps so no when else can use the ramp that is next in line and on top of that there are open docks off to the side so you will not tie up the ramps with your boat while you go waiting in line with your truck and trailer. How in the heck can people be so dumb or inconsiderate. And then there is like four more adults that just stand around with the boat that is in the way.If you even try to mention that there are docks to the side so they are not in the way a fight will break out,If I can go to ramps that do not have docks at the ramps I choose them every time.
I have a lawyer in back of me. I know a lawyer! He proceeds to undo my hose to rinse his boat off. I get up out of the cabin and ask him WTF are you doing with my hose? It doesn't belong to the marina.

So he just drops it on the dock without hanging it back up where he found it. I was pissed. Just wait, I have plans for him!!!!
People are dumb asses.
Your dock neighbor uses your water hose, you confront him, loose your mind and are now looking for away to seek revenge?
Most people are so self absorbed these days it is insane. They feel entitled to what the world has to offer and don't have the thought process to understand that public services are really just that: public services! Just the name should suggest that these type services belong to everyone to use and enjoy and therefore when using these services one should be mindful of one's actions and how they may or may not impact other individuals but that is clearly too much to ask of grown adults!!

Common sense?? Dead!! Common decency?? Dead!! Personal responsibility?? Dead!! Personal boundaries?? Dead!! Etiquette?? Dead!! How one's actions impact or may not impact others?? DEAD!!!

If I inconvenience you; its clearly your fault, if I use your belongings without permission and you get angry you are a jerk and possibly a bully, as long as you don't understand what I'm entitled you, you are going to be a grumpy old you know what. If I anger you it is your problem. etc etc etc

Amazing world we live in today isn't it??
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Your dock neighbor uses your water hose, you confront him, loose your mind and are now looking for away to seek revenge?

I'm not speaking for the OP but I believe what rubbed him was the following:

1) the audacity of his neighbor to think he could just use a hose that did not belong to him.
2) the fact that when his neighbor was confronted it appears he did not even bother to apologize or even feign ignorance
3) once confronted his neighbor did not place the hose back where he found it neatly wrapped up. Instead he just dropped it on the ground and left it for the owner to put it back in its place.
4) its his neighbor's attitude that is causing his angst.
5) its worth mentioning again His neighbor did not even bother to put the hose back where it was originally wrapped up neatly, instead he just dropped it on the ground blew off the owner and acted like the owner of the hose was an inconsiderate jerk for not allowing him to use the hose WITHOUT permission.
6) I'm guessing this is not the first "run in" these guys have had. It may be the first physical "run in" but they have been aggravating each other for awhile because one does not approve of the other's actions

It is also worth mentioning that the OP will probably be amazed that some would criticize his actions since he feels his neighbor is clearly a inconsiderate person.

Imagine losing your mind over the fact that someone was attempting to use your property without permission and when you brought it to their attention they blew you off and just dropped your belongings as if you had no right to be disturbed about it and they had all rights to use your property WITHOUT permission. (it reminds me of the character Brah-Man from the 4th floor on the Martin Lawrence Show)

Then to top it off people criticized you for being disturbed!! What an amazing world we live in!!!
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Your dock neighbor uses your water hose, you confront him, loose your mind and are now looking for away to seek revenge?

Me??????????????? Not Me I never did that and I will never do it again. Besides he removed it and didn't bring it back.
The world we live in:

Hmm, there is a hose over there, no one's name is on it, no one is standing by it, I need a hose, I haven't gotten a chance to get one of my own yet, I'll just use that unattended lonely hose over there, I'm not harming anyone, after all I'm just using a hose. The owner of the hose is disturbed that you are using his property without permission and brings it to your attention and you in disgust at the fact that he has the audacity to confront you over a hose of all things (it does not matter if one has permission to use another's property), throws the hose on the ground and blows off the owner of the unmarked unattended hose.

Bizzarro world:

Hi neighbor my name is John, nice to meet you, hey listen I realize that we don't have much in common except boating and belonging to the same marina because we keep different hours and for as long as we have been dock-mates we really haven't made the effort to get to know each other very well, pretty strange huh?? We will just both have to get better at that I guess!! Anyway I was just wondering if you knew if that hose over there belonged to the marina or is it yours? Oh its yours? Oh Ok, would you mind if I used your hose for a couple of minutes I just have to wash down my transom and unfortunately cant find my mine ............

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That would of been a lot better in my books. On the other side of the coin.....I would never just go unscrew and take someone's hose. Now that's just me. And then don't put it back where I found it!!!!! We have to remember he is a lawyer.
My wife...the teacher....her words, everyone feels intitled! Right or wrong, I'm right and you're wrong

id never own a boat again that I had to use the ramp for! I'd rent a slip even if I only owned a 16' Bayliner!
The ramp I use has 6 docks which have 10 spaces to use to launch/retrive boats. The two spaces at the ends are blocked by weeds. There is a staging lane where you are supposed to get your boat untied/tied down, etc. A few days ago, I was parked in the staging lane and had everything ready to launch when some idiot pulled around me and parked right in front of the open ramp where he proceeded to unfasten his tie downs, get his cooler on board, etc. I couldn't believe it and was about to say something when another dock opened up. I had my boat launched, truck & trailer parked, and left the ramp in my boat before he even launched his boat.
I bet he makes wakes in no wake zones too. Revenge is authorized.

Or maybe bring an old hose and connect to your water supply. What he doesn't know is there is something nasty in the hose (maybe paint?) and he will douse his boat with it when he decides to use it. Myself, I wouldn't stress over someone using my hose. That is unless he was a jackoff...
I bet he makes wakes in no wake zones too. Revenge is authorized.

I just got back from Boston. When I left his boat was leaning to port. I think I forgot to tell anybody since it wasn't mine. BTW the hose was tightened with a pipe wrench. it won't come off again.

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