
I watched the MSNBC program last night where they replayed the actual news coverage from NBC that day six years ago. I sat there mesmerized just like I was when I originally watched the coverage live back then. I will also freely admit I had a lump in my throat and tears on my face as well even though it all happened six years ago. None of us who experienced this tragedy will ever forget it that for sure.
God Bless the USA

Certainly, no one can forget. I had been at work for a few minutes, when my wife called and said a plane had hit one of the towers. We actually had an old tv in a backroom, and we turned it on in time to see the next tower get hit.

At that moment, I wished my coworkers well, I told them that we were under attack, and I had to get my kids. I went straight to school, got them out, and took them home, where we stayed for a couple of days, absolutely riveted to the tv, non-stop for days on end.

Our office is by the airport, and jets rumble by all day long. It was extremely spooky with the skies silent afterwards. We all cheered by the windows when planes began to fly by again (the same planes we cursed a few weeks earlier for being too loud).

To Skip and others who have served, I've said before, and say again - thanks seems inadequate, but thanks.

Politics is politics, but soldiers are soldiers. We can disagree on politics all day long, but our military are simply the best.nd the bravest, and we owe them our gratitude.
Ok... no poop got stirred up.

What if I told you Hillary owned a Sea Ray? How would that make you feel?
None of us would care Gary because we would not believe you. :smt009

I will stand and say thank you to are men and women in harms way. They deserve our respect and admiration.


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