Doug "Go Aweigh To" in the hospital

That sucks... Hope he gets better soon.

I need to go back and edit all my posts where I made fun of him...
He's a great guy and I'm glad everyone here's giving him some love. Doesn't sound fun, for sure. Thanks Guys, and keep 'em coming!!
Doug, Put you on our famlies prayer list. We will hear from you soon Iam sure! JC
Hey Doug, just a note to let you know you're in our thoughts...get well soon!
Lea's Update on Doug from

Here's an Update Lea posted a little while ago

Hi everyone, You guys are terrific and I want to personally thank you and say that your kind messages of concern and prayers for Doug's recovery are truly touching and by gosh they are working! Your thoughts of concern are helping me a lot. I will let you know if more in necessary, hopefully not.

This procedure was done as a precaution against cancer and there is always a concern about infection when infiltrating the body cavity. Unfortunately that concern was multiplied by the number of probes they did. 12 on the prostate and 6 other so called non target probes. A bit beyond the call of duty according to the other many docs that have seen Doug the past few days, and I will ask why!! this exam is one of the most uncomfortable ones performed on males. They are saying it could be a bacteria that was present inside or even an external culprit. They haven't isolated the strain yet.

Just a quick update on Doug’s condition. I went into the ICU very early this morning and was very surprised and happy to see Doug looking much better, sitting up and coherant. He had been on IVs and a variety of basic antibiotics all yesterday evening and all night along with oxygen and fever stablizer, he was stable, temp down to a managed level. (so far) They kept him there for an additional 6 hours to monitor him and then released him to the ward continuing the regimen of antibiotics IVs and fever meds. He was feisty and much more normal. I left him at 1pm and although somewhat chilled he was stable, hopefully there will not be any more setbacks or spikes in his temp and he will be on the mend. They still have not gotten the isolated bacteria culture results so no id on the culprit yet, so we don't know the strain as of yet. They take at least 48 hours and then can isolate the bugger and treat him with the proper antibiotic to directly attack the bacteria in question. In the mean time it seems according to the doc that this strain plants it’s seed when it’s active in the bloodstream, and that’s when the spikes happen. The treatment so far is for basic bacterial infection or a possible Super Bug.

He’ll be in the hospital at least until they get this bridled and he shows no sign of a problem for at least 24 hours. Originally were talking about keeping him 2 weeks and pump the antibiotics but we’ll wait and see when the results come in perhaps this afternoon. They hopefully will decide to allow him to go home and come in for IV's but that's up to his results and condition. He’s weakened a lot and needs a lot of rest but doing much better. Keep the prayers coming please.
I’m going to sleep.
Thanks again you all... you are helping more than you realize, Lea
Best of luck Doug...get well soon!

If this was a normal prostate biopsy, 12 samples is pretty typical. Not sure what the other 6 were, perhaps they saw something during the procedure that they wanted more info about.

Unfortunately, because of the location of the prostate and the procedure necessary to collect the specimens, there is the possibility of this type of infection.
Update from Lea: Go Aweigh To's Admiral

Nehalennia said:
Great Lea, Hang in there and again we wish you the best. I hope it was OK< but I took the liberty of posting on BOC and and he is getting a ton of Positive vibes.

He's got lot's of friends I knew would want to send the well wishes. I Hope I didn't overstep my boundaries.

Fanaddicts said:
Thanks so much Todd... I appreciate it and know Doug will too. I tried to sign in to respond but guess my eyes are playing tricks on me and having problems registering. Please send my gratitude in all the support and I'll comment using Dougs puter when I get some rest..
Thanks again everyone.. Doug will read all your comments soon I hope.
Hugs Big Time, Lea

I'm updating all the sites and he will appreciate all the well wishes Guys/Gals.
We pray that God strengthens and comforts you in these difficult hours.
Doug, get well soon.
It will get mighty boring sharpshooting other Sea Ray guys, but Four Winns owners, now them there is fair game....

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