Earth Day, The Hype Is Coming...

Ok, so this guy said the earth was round. But 99.9% is the scientist said he was wrong. Oh, that's right olden times, didn't have as much knowledge as today.

Galileo was not the only guy that thought the earth was round. That tidbit had been settled since the ancient greeks.

No doubt that the climate changes. At one point Minnesota was covered with a glacier.

What has not been proven, is man action causality.

The debate is not global warming, or climate change. The debate is human action causality of climate effect.

I agree - and the point I tried to make (albeit clumsily based on the response) is that it doesn't matter to me because in the end, I'd like clean air and water regardless.

The thread was about earth day and it turned into an anti climate change fiasco. Earth day isn't about global warming - it is about taking care of the environment - and that includes clean water, clean air, clean oceans, etc. not just climate change.
This is the most inaccurate quote of the entire thread. Science is far from absolute, hence the definition; "the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment".


You're right Mike, I should not have used the word "facts".

I meant something that is so verifiable, repeatable and easily observed that the average person would accept it as the truth as best as we can tell.
You're right Mike, I should not have used the word "facts".

I meant something that is so verifiable, repeatable and easily observed that the average person would accept it as the truth as best as we can tell.

The "climate change" research is politicized and is not verifiable, repeatable and easily observed. Hence the emails explaining how to manipulate the data to create the desired results from climate researchers around the world in the climategate scandal and the now disclosed distorted data relied on for the Paris accord.

I always turn to Wikipedia for fact filled news on controversial issues. Anyone can go in and edit it to what they want, and the left has millions of snowflakes they indoctrinated as school children to do it for them...


If wiki were a beer commercial: "I don't always re-write history, but when I do, I use wikipedia. Stay ignorant, my friends."
Just as it is also a height of arrogance to think we can heat or cool the planet.



I disagree. My old man would always tell me to shut the door because he is not paying to cool/heat the outside.


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I disagree. My old man would always tell me to shut the door because he is not paying to cool/heat the outside.


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My Mom was worried about wasting heat too, and she was equally concerned about the cows...'shut the door or the cows will get out'. My Mom even worried about other people I didn't even know...'finish your plate, there are kids starving in China you know'

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