Sailing distances calculator

If you right-click while on google maps you can do the exact same thing (it says "measure distance", and can be multiple stops). Though you need to convert to nautical miles if that's your gig.

Whichever you use it's definitely much easier and faster than doing it on the chartplotter as a real route...
So Quint, what did you find and where are you bringing it home from?
No boat yet. I am in the internet "search/daydream phase" accompanied by "fat wallet phenomena".
If you right-click while on google maps you can do the exact same thing (it says "measure distance", and can be multiple stops). Though you need to convert to nautical miles if that's your gig.
No need to right click on google earth. In the top row of icons there's one of a ruler. Click on it and a widow opens that allows you to measure in many ways: Straight line, path (good for setting up courses), polygon, etc. You can also choose whatever unit of measurement you want, in everything from inches to statute miles. Once you get the hang of how to use it, it's very easy and quick.

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