The Grim reaper strikes. Official death thread

RIP Charles Osgood. He was 91.

I spent many a Sunday Mornings with Charles and I particularly liked the segments with Charles Kuralt and his adventures across the nation.

Melanie Safka....she was a folk singer. She performed at Woodstock. Us old characters will remember her for the song "Brand New Key" and the great rendition of "Ruby Tuesday". R.I.P.
Dan Gottlieb - builder of the baddest Camaro ever. His son R. J. drives it. He was 84.

"The Legend stretches back to 1987 . . . "

Oh, My God!
I don't recall anything that made my feel older than reading this, but then again I am getting older.
Who the hell gives a puffer fish as a Christmas present? You would think it would come with instructions…Don’t eat the poisonous parts or maybe the warning labels we taken off


Not a big country music fan but in the early 90's I was into it. Had a few Toby Keith songs that I still listen to today. We drive our convertible in the Memorial Day and 4th of July parades and crank Red, White and Blue as well as a few other patriotic songs. RIP Toby!
One of my other passions is stage lighting - concert style but specifically for churches. I have been a lighting designer for 31 years and along the way I have met many professional lighting designers, among them my friend Seth. Here is what Seth wrote about Toby Keith:
In the spring of 2003, Mike Golden from Bandit Lites called me up and said he wanted to introduce me to Mark Sissel who was handling production for Toby Keith - as Mike put it, “you guys just seem like this will be a great fit”.
It was. For the last 21 years I have had the distinct honor of being accepted into a family of the most larger than life characters - from the Boss on down. He exuded loyalty to his team. In return, there was no question all of us would do whatever it took to make it right for him. Bones, Friend, Bullit, Knuckles - everyone had a nickname. It was required so you were armed for the constant poking and fun of everyone at everyone’s expense. It was like football team bonding. Me? Yeah, I was Sethro. The result? These people have all become life-long friends. Like the old army buddies that can pick up in an instant, right where they left off.

That was Toby Keith. He was not only big in stature, but he was bigger than life, and bigger than just a singer and a songwriter. His commitment to soldiers and their families made what you did just a little more important. When a Marine came out onstage to surprise his wife (who Toby placed in the front row), you realize that this is bigger than seeing a country concert.

Toby was incredibly intellectual, thoughtful, and carried a wide perspective of the world. If you think he was just Red Solo Cup - do yourself a favor and listen to 35mph Town. In four minutes, he paints the entire canvas of the changing life of small town America.

Toby was also hilarious. His dry wit and sense of himself could drop you at a moment’s notice. Somewhat quiet, it was like he was almost waiting for the moment to land a one-liner. That smirk would start appear and you knew it was coming…

Case in point - the many stage designs. His humor was everywhere on that stage. The first was an old warehouse, designed by Jim Lenahan. The next year, I started a decade long run with Liz O’Keefe. Each year, Toby would make his statement. We did an old bar complete with a row of urinals in the “bathroom”. We did a space ship that was hit by a Ford truck at the top of the show - our spaceship then spent the rest of the night with a gleaming front end of an F-150 punched through the wall. We did a game show, complete with onstage audience. We even recreated Toby’s grandma’s roadside tavern - where he first learned to play guitar.

As the years went on, Nate Alves turned our hard scenery into digital scenery. Nate was there in 2020, when COVID cancelled everything. Toby paid us anyway. Toby paid his crew and their health insurance, anyway. Toby paid the scenery company to build a set that might not ever get used, anyway. No questions asked.

For what would be his final shows, last December in Vegas, we all showed up without question and did the hard things to pull a miracle off in record time. There was never a question we wouldn’t get it done for him. We never stopped working. We never stopped laughing.

That’s what you do for the Boss.
A house next to our Publix has their confederate flag (they have it up daily - no American flag) at half staff this morning. I guess they figure Toby Keith aligns with their thinking.

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