
My two children had a blast in a Ski Biscuit. I rode in it solo (too small for two adults).
I'm not sure it's a good idea to put a 2 year old behind a boat. If they fall off (wake, etc) and hit the water wrong, that could be really bad. Our kids didn't start getting on toys, even going 2 knots, until they were about 5 or 6 and then it was a very slow ride (2-3 knots).

Of course now they are punished behind the dingy:


(Still Pond 2007)
Certainly a concern. The only way the two year would be back there would be with an adult, but point taken, as I concede that accidents could happen even with mommy or daddy back there. Perhaps the two year will have to wait for a couple years.

You had me worried there for a minute. I wouldn't recommend putting the kiddies back there until they are much older. We started pulling the kids at about 7 years old but really watched it. Even at 8 or 9 they don't know enough to fall off when you sling them around in a circle. LOL. It only takes one bad accident to have a life time of regrets. I don't pull the kids under 12 more than 20 mph and the older kids about 25. Remember when you sling them around in a circle they are going about 35-40 mph or maybe more depending on the angle speed etc. I spend all summer long hauling the local kids out on the gulf. They love the towables and wake boards. But if I have learned anything is that the captain better be prepared for any and everything and its up to you to bring them back in one piece.

Be safe out there.
Airhead stingray. Everyone that has been on our boat loves it. Safe enough for kids, yet if you get fast enough a great ride for adults. It is very stable. We have the 2 seater unit.

As far as a 2 year old, my son was 2 for all of last summer (turned 3 in November). My wife would go on the tube with him, but only during low traffic times on the lake, and I would go along shore doing like 10 mph lol. He loved it. Boring as heck for the rest of us, but...
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We use a Sportstuff Super Mable as our towable float which resembles a wide inflatable lounge chair. It seats three, has many neoprene covered handholds, and can be pulled from either direction (like a lounge chair or like a sled). Everyone who has ridden it seems to love it. I found it cheapest on e b a y from bustersmarine. What is also nice is that when you aren't towing it, you can actually use it as a very comfortable, multi-person lounger.
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