
This Pack66 guy just comes across as someone who has gone through life and now looks in the mirror and is not real happy with himself. It's obviously someone else's fault because it sure can't be his. He sounds bitter and disappointed and wants others to "pay" for his wasted time and wasted life. He looks at someone's "bigger boat" or "nicer house" and the only thing his little angry mind can come up with is that someone is not paying their fair share because he doesn't have "enough."

I've been on both ends of the social standing... bottom 2% and top 2%... and this country provides EVERYONE with equal opportunity. In fact, I would argue that if you are in the bottom 2%, you have more opportunity than someone in the middle. Just because the guy down the street has a bigger house does not stop anyone from doing the same. Most of the people I know in the the upper 2% got there from sacrifice and doing things that most people would never do because they are content with their current job and don't want to "step outside the system." Building wealth doesn't come from going to work 9-5 in a union job and putting 10% of your check in a 401(k). It comes from taking risks, falling on your ass a few times, being very broke, being persistent and hopefully getting some reward back. Contrary to popular belief, it does not come from "gaming" the system. If you want to stay in your "no-future work place" and not take risk, then shut your pie hole because you sound like a bitter old man that lives under a bridge telling goats you are going to eat them.

I work with entrepreneurs on a daily basis and if the US government keeps raising taxes, the entrepreneurial back bone of this country will be gone. I just saw a talk from a group in Singapore where the government is recruiting the motivated young entrepreneurs to their country with low taxes and big capital infusions in small companies... Why? Because that activity creates jobs and opportunity for everyone. Other countries will suck every last motivated person out of this country and then all the bitter lazy asses can sit around and talk about how life is not fair.

Get off your ass and change your position in life. Nothing is holding you back. Winners take responsibility and losers blame someone else. What are you?

Personal attacks now? That's all you got? So if you can't refute my arguments swift boat my ass......? Typical
Personal attacks now? That's all you got? So if you can't refute my arguments swift boat my ass......? Typical

You need to go read your posts and the stereotyping... I am "reacting" to your bitter and petty "I'm a loser and it's your fault" writings.... Time for you the "Man up"...
I'm trying to figure out if Pig Dog is a liberal or a conservative. She pretty much relies on hand outs. But she's all for less regulations.
If he didn't learn about capitalism in third grade, then unlearn it in college, then learn it again after his first paycheck...its too late for him to figure it out.
Remember to consider the fact that the top 2% use an exponentially disproportionate amount of government services like courts and law enforcement.

Sorry, total BS flag...fifteen yards and loss of credibility. I have spent years at every level of court administration, and the rich are NOT clogging the system. You might make a theoretical argument that corporations make up the bulk of federal civil cases, and somehow that equates to "rich" people...but no corporation has ever paid a tax (all they have done is passed along fees to purchasers, who actually pay all of the imbedded costs).
You need to go read your posts and the stereotyping... I am "reacting" to your bitter and petty "I'm a loser and it's your fault" writings.... Time for you the "Man up"...

You are talking out your butt now.

Two people on this board have met me in person and I doubt either one of them would consider me a loser or petty or bitter.... ask them for yourself.

I have no problem going toe to toe with anyone about political differences but it should be civil. This breakdown in dialog to name calling and personal attacks is exactly why our system is failing. I may not agree with you but I can still respect your views. Its unfortunate that conservatives have adoped a slash and burn, take no prisoners policy instead of discussion.

Just FYI, I won't be back to the holding tank so there is no use continuing with your banter directed at me. I had hoped that there would be a little more intelligent and civil brand of conservative discourse here but I guess I was wrong.

See you on the water.
So you are saying you are a closet bitter person?

Guess you feel you can throw all kinds of darts and not get any back... typical MSNBC watcher....

And I might add, unless you are actually one of the top 2% you need to stop drinking the kool-aid dude. They don't give a crap about you or your family or our country. :smt009.

That's not personal...

You might want to reconsider your statement about who is incapable of "rational thought", maybe take a look in the mirror.

Nope... nothing personal there...


Not personal... but really stupid and insulting...

When you guys figure out that me and the rest of the liberal left is not trying to screw you, this problem can be solved. We are only trying to hold up a mirror so you can see over our shoulders to find out the corporations and millionaires are screwing us all. Take a long hard look, if your honest you will see I'm just like you. I'm mad as hell about what is going on too. The only difference is I know who is screwing me (and you too) but you guys are still protecting those who are jamming it up our collective hinneys.:smt013

Yeah... This is all "civil"

You are in the "ass clown" category with all the other left wing nut jobs... get a life... and if life passed you by, sorry... look in the mirror... and apologize to yourself for wasting every opportunity you had. Or just be happy and sit down and have a nice dinner with your family and stop whining about how Joe Smith next door has more than you.

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Just FYI, I won't be back to the holding tank so there is no use continuing with your banter directed at me. I had hoped that there would be a little more intelligent and civil brand of conservative discourse here but I guess I was wrong.

See you on the water.

Still deflecting, don't use it as an excuse to quit.
It was OK when they could blame Bush but after almost 2 years of doing nothing to help the country out he tanks it more and a lot of people on both sides saw it but some just asked Jim Jones for another drink of Kool Aid..:smt021

I bet someone will "report" my posts....

Been awhile since I got an infraction. Of course I'm not sure how you can be a bad turd in the holding tank.
Personally I would like the health care bill to stay, maybe even make it a little bigger. I would also like section 8 housing checks to include boats. Food stamps should also be increased. I would also like a bill passed that would allow us to start drawing on SS if we aren't working... This is of course after i've run unemployment out. I also think that High Speed internet should be a right to every citizen. Free Cell phone is already covered so that's cool. I would like some of the farm subsidies to go towards off road diesel, you know, for the tractors. Maybe even like free diesel the first weekend of the month. I also think we need more regulation on the water, boaters could be compensated for protecting the waters from the bad corporations. We should also be compensated for monitoring fish populations and testing the meat. Out of work people should also be given a round trip voucher on an airline so they can visit family members on the other side of the country.
Personally I would like the health care bill to stay, maybe even make it a little bigger. I would also like section 8 housing checks to include boats. Food stamps should also be increased. I would also like a bill passed that would allow us to start drawing on SS if we aren't working... This is of course after i've run unemployment out. I also think that High Speed internet should be a right to every citizen. Free Cell phone is already covered so that's cool. I would like some of the farm subsidies to go towards off road diesel, you know, for the tractors. Maybe even like free diesel the first weekend of the month. I also think we need more regulation on the water, boaters could be compensated for protecting the waters from the bad corporations. We should also be compensated for monitoring fish populations and testing the meat. Out of work people should also be given a round trip voucher on an airline so they can visit family members on the other side of the country.

I thought we had all that already??

Remember the Obama elections where the gal was saying "Obama is going to pay my mortgage and put gas in my car and....." remember??:lol::smt043:lol::smt043
I'm molding my retirement. We're almost there, just needs a little tweaking.
Personally I would like the health care bill to stay, maybe even make it a little bigger. I would also like section 8 housing checks to include boats. Food stamps should also be increased. I would also like a bill passed that would allow us to start drawing on SS if we aren't working... This is of course after i've run unemployment out. I also think that High Speed internet should be a right to every citizen. Free Cell phone is already covered so that's cool. I would like some of the farm subsidies to go towards off road diesel, you know, for the tractors. Maybe even like free diesel the first weekend of the month. I also think we need more regulation on the water, boaters could be compensated for protecting the waters from the bad corporations. We should also be compensated for monitoring fish populations and testing the meat. Out of work people should also be given a round trip voucher on an airline so they can visit family members on the other side of the country.

You forgot the free car and car insurance we have in Mass….
A famous quote:

"The country was never set up and envisioned to have one political party use the public trough as significantly as the Democrat Party has to cement itself in permanent power."
Personal attacks now? That's all you got? So if you can't refute my arguments swift boat my ass......? Typical

Oh. . .don't worry about Gary. That's just his way of saying "Hi!".

I always look forward to when Gary stops using logic and starts with the ad hominem reasoning.

Just FYI, I won't be back to the holding tank so there is no use continuing with your banter directed at me. I had hoped that there would be a little more intelligent and civil brand of conservative discourse here but I guess I was wrong.

Just dish it right back - its fun - Just be sure to not make it personal and keep the high road so as to not become what you argue that you are not.
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I think the rich guys need to take some classes on gaming the system from the "poor people". Live in NYC for 20 years and you'll eventually learn that 40% of the "unfortunate" game the system that would make a billionaire blush.

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